A Year's Challenge Week 18: Cartoon Mani

By Kellabella @kellabel
When I first found out that this week was a cartoon mani I was thinking this was going to be a definite challenge but in in a good way. There are so many different cartoon's from when I was a kid and now that would be so fun to do. The problem though, how was I going to draw a cartoon character's face on my nail? Then a few days later Mickey and Minnie mouse popped into my head and I knew exactly what I wanted to do, the colors, the nail art, etc.

This is what I came up with. I used Sally Hansen's Insta-Dri in Snappy Sorbet and used a dotting tool and white polish for the polka dots.  I free handed in some black bows using my Sally Hansen Nail Art Pen. Then I added some rhinestone pearls to the bows.

For the accent nail I used Essie's Jazz and then I added the details for Minnie's face with my Sally Hansen Nail Art Pen.  I used a small nail art brush to fill in the eyes and mouth.

If it wasn't for the eyelashes I think it would have looked like a dogs face lol. Oh well, im pretty pleased with how it came out. I don't like the glare on my nails from the camera, it makes everything look blurry :(
This was probably one of my favorite challenges to do so far. I can't wait to see what everyone else came up with  :)
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