A Typical Day

By Lifeasarunningmom @RunningMom6
My alarm goes off before 4:00 am. It is battery operated and I often wonder why those batteries last so long. And it is set ahead of real time so it is even earlier, which is good since my hand goes out, grabs the clock, silences it, and tucks in under the covers with me. I do this every day. I don't know why I can't just get up and wonder what I would do if I couldn't cuddle my alarm. Typically, I count to 100 and get out of bed. Sometimes I lose count, sometimes I drift, sometimes darling daughter awakes but often, I get up. When I don't, I go to plan B and that can be a post for another day.
I grab my Chico bag that I use as a gym bag and head out of the room. I change into my running clothes, put my little containers of VegaSport recovery mix and VegaSport protein powder in my purse with a wash cloth, grab my peanut butter muffin (I make them myself) and VegaSport pre-workout drink already in my Blender bottle, and lunch pack. I pack my Laptop lunchkit (darling daughter has the same), put on my running shoes (almost always Saucony), and head out the door. Destination gym. I eat my muffin and drink my pre-workout drink during my drive.

Once at the gym, I am pretty predictable. I unpack my yurbuds, my iPhone, and my wash cloth (I like this for my gym towel and use a variety of colors for fun). I position my Bondi Band and start running after I am synced with my Nike+ sensor. Yes, the treadmill has miles but this app allows me to track miles on each pair of running shoes too. Gotta love it! 
I conclude my run. Rinse my Blender bottle, add in the recovery mix, top off with water, and enjoy a run well done before work. (I drink the protein with my breakfast later in the day at work). But before work can truly begin, I must clean up. I take a quick shower, wash my hair (currently using Pert Plus right now and I am always changing brands), towel off, dress, rub on some Dove deodorant, and start my workday. I often leave my hair as it is or perhaps toss in a head band. Today I am trying a cool one from Heads Up. So far, I love it.
After work I pick up darling daughter from school and we head home always with huge plans of fun and games. We often get wrapped up in chores such as cleaning up the pre-school mess, putting away dishes, washing lunch dishes, making lunches, making dinner, showering (darling daughter comes in with my and she loves her Sauve kids shampoo and glycerin soap), eating, brushing teeth (and darling daughter just declared she loves the minty Colgate - I am stoked that I no longer have to buy kiddie toothpaste), sometimes a little movie time or Hay Day time, story time, cuddle time, and then adult time. Dear hubby may have one hour of my complete foggy attention before I zonk out, quickly wipe my face with a Stridex wipe (adult acne sucks), go to bed, and start the cycle once again.
Daily Gratitude: I am thankful for the structure in my life.
Daily Affirmation: I am able to adjust to changes in routine.