A Succession of Lettuce

By Mwillis
As you probably guessed, I am very pleased with my successional sowing of lettuce this year. I have sowed lettuce seeds about 5 times I think, allowing me to ensure that we always have lettuce ready for cutting and more plants following on.
I devote to the production of salads each year one of my 1 x 2.4 meter raised beds (in rotation).

You can grow plenty of salad in a bed like that.  Everyone should do it! Why spend loads of money on insipid supermarket salads when you can have this?

Another batch of seedlings recently planted. (The sticks are to reduce damage caused by animals).

Young seedlings awaiting their turn.

This lettuce is "Green Salad Bowl", a good one for the "Cut and come again" approach to harvesting.

This one is rather similar. It is "Can Can". Actually it looks more like an endive than a lettuce.

See what I mean? Most of these are young endives.

This is "Amaze", a red Little Gem type.

And this one is the real Little Gem.

This one with the frilly leaves is Ice Queen.

In amongst my lettuces is that little row of Spring Onions. Don't they grow slowly? They had better be good...