A Subtle Garden

By Pinkandpolished
Happy Valentine's Day! I don't have a valentines-esque manicure today but I do have this super fun subtle garden design!

Green is so not my color. It's not that I don't like it, I just never reach for it, I always pick blues, purples, and pinks instead. But when I do finally grab a green polish I love the way it looks! I've created a fun a subtle garden look using Bundle Monster's Secret Garden Nail Stamping Plates and it's using not one, but three green polishes! ;)I started with a base of China Glaze Def Defying and when it was dry I double stamped the leaf image on Bundle Monster plate BM-703 using Color Club Kismet and China Glaze Con-Fused?. Then I grabbed plate BM-710 and stamped the cute little daisy type flowers using Color Club Eternal Beauty. Finally I sealed everything in with Seche Vite.

At first I wanted a more visible design, but as I kept stamping I started falling more and more in love with this look. It's subtle but it lets just enough holographic sparkle peek through and in the sun it's just stunning.

What do you guys think? Have you bought the Bundle Monster Secret Garden Nail Stamping Plates yet? What's your favorite image so far?

Thanks loves :)