A Smoker, A Jerk and A Crazy – All in One

By Mythreesearches

After exchanging a few messages online and texting back and forth, Aaron and I agreed to meet at Starbucks.  It was 9:05 PM on Wednesday night and I was the perfect amount of late.   I hopped across the street in that sweet feminine way  that would only be acceptable in this city.  I flashed a big smile at him to confirm that I was the girl he was waiting for (just said a mouthful there, huh?)

He jumped in front of me to open the door for me – sweet.  We both ordered, he a hot chocolate and me a latte.  We sat down at a table and began to swap stories.  He told me about his 6 siblings and I told him about my 3.  He explained that he has worked in sales for an Asset Management company for the past six years.  Somewhat, impressive in a world where people seem to be jumping from job to job.  I told him about my new job and the mixed emotions I was feeling about leaving the place I have become so familiar with and a job I have mastered.

All of the sudden, and I mean out of nowhere, he crossed his legs sat back and declared – “Oh, I should tell you, I smoke.”

Just like that.

“Smoke what?” I asked.

“Both” he answered as if it were obvious what he was referring to.

“Both what?” I asked, again.

“Weed and cigarettes,” he responded as if I were a complete moron for thinking it could have been anything but these two.

“I see,” I responded, clearly expressing that I was hesitant.  “Well, do you want to quit?” I asked hopefully.

“I mean, if I found the right girl then I guess I would but until then it’s sort of a catch 22.”

“It is? To me, it kind of seems like quitting is something you either want to do or don’t want to do. Not really much of a catch 22.”

“Yea, well, like I said maybe. But for now, cheers!” And with that, he knocked his cup against mine, got up and walked out.

I was beyond mortified, totally confused and didn’t know who to tell first.  I swear, my jaw was dropped the entire block and a half I had to walk home.

Just when I thought I couldn’t be any more shocked, I got two texts from Aaron that read:

“Kind of feel like you made that more awkward then it needed to be…it won’t detour my honesty and being upfront with girls moving forward,       WTF was that reaction?”

“GL at your new job.”

You would think after months of dating, I might be getting closer or at least a better grasp on how to weed out these jerks and increase my chance of going on a good date, but tonight it feels like I’m further than ever.

Cheers to Aaron walking out of my life just as quickly as he came in and to a week off in Europe next week to escape the world that is NYC dating.
