A Quick Christmas Look, Holiday Favorites Sneak Peek

By Blessmybag @blessmybag

It's 230am and three hours ago I just finished filming my holiday favorites video. It was taxing to shoot at night, but I got it done thanks to a couple of wrongly purchased 9W LED bulbs that I thought were going to blind me. Shortly before I realized they were too bright to use on makeup clients I thought they'd be okay (one 9W bulb lights up our small kitchen brightly, imagine 6 on a makeup mirror LOL). I had to purchase half a dozen in 3W to make up for my mistake. It turns out, however, that it was great that I still had these excessively bright 9W bulbs, using 4 of them on the vanity mirror solved my problem for filming and shooting at night. Here's a sneak peek from the holiday favorites shoot, by the way I didn't film a tutorial okay, it was a holiday favorites video (to be edited) but I did mention every product I used in the video.

Sneak peeking includes showing you these two out of all the products I used for now...a mysterious Dior Diorific lipstick, and Ellana loose powder foundation in Chai and that swatch of goodness on the left on my eyelids. I'll share the rest in the upcoming video. This holiday favorites video may or may not come after the original previous tutorial I promised.