A Post of Scattered-ness

By Makemeupmandy @mandywebb28
So well, here we are back in the good ol' country town. We recently returned from our holiday to Singapore & Taiwan and this is my first post post.
We are still rather scattered, trying to settle back into our routines. As most mums will agree, routines are very important for running a family but kids (infants, especially) make it their life goal to fight against routine!
As I am still very scattered in my head, this is a rather scattered post with a scattered title and scattered points.
1) Who knew that a 3-hour time difference could cause major jetlag? Or are we just little weaklings? The first day we came back, we all slept in until 1pm (partly out of exhaustion from the long flight and long drive from Sydney Airport back to the Hunter).
2) And we stayed up until 1am, feeling hungry like it was time for a late night snack. We whinged about how nothing was open in this little country town.
3) We have been paranoid about leaving the house for the past weeks. Husband was convinced there would be squatters in the house so when we first arrived home, he told us to wait while he stormed the house ninja-style while we rolled our eyes. (Ok, I exaggerate. But he did say that!)
4) Husband has come back more convinced than ever to learn some Mandarin, given all the language episodes he faced in Taiwan. I am more than happy to teach him as long he chases after the teacher (me) for knowledge and not me chase after him to teach. Some Chinese philosophy, anyone?
5) Bub has 3 teeth coming through at once. This is not fun.
6) In more exciting bub news, I am now back to cleaning poop and mastering the art of voluntary deafness - the one where you voluntarily train your ears to ignore high-pitched screams of the infant kind.
7) Almost unbelievable but very true: I have not cleaned baby poo or bathed the baby in the last 2.5 weeks, thanks to my very helpful parents who helped look after the kids every day while Husband and I were out and about enjoying our (temporary) young & exciting lives.
8) Husband and I really had great fun doing things we did before we had a family.
  • We went to Universal Studios Singapore (like a Disneyland of sorts) and dared each other on the craziest rides. But I have to say, we are getting old. We stopped towards the evening to take a break in a little corner and fell asleep for 10 mins. Who does that on a trip to a theme park??
  •  We went and did karaoke (say NERD!!!!)! It was Husband's first visit and I think he will be shy to admit, but he enjoyed it thoroughly. We went with a good friend and had our own room where we very expertly belted out tunes to the like of Linkin Park, Lady Gaga, Rihanna... seriously, it was more funny than anything.
  • We went cable-skiing  where Husband popped his shoulder (old injury). 
- After he flopped, I went to the corner where he was swimming back to find him sitting by the bank in pain. He told me he popped his shoulder and couldn't carry the board back. I promptly went and asked a guy for help and I must not have been very clear about how it was not an emergency (Husband was merely sitting by the corner trying to pop his shoulder back in); the guy yelled out to all his friends "Injury! Injury! Injury!". 3 men from different corners started running in Husband's direction while I strolled behind them, amused. They turned around and yelled WHERE IS HE? WHERE IS HE? and I silently pointed in front. They must have thought he was drowning and wondered why I was strangely calm. Thinking back, it was really funny. Husband was a little embarrassed by the attention. By the way, he did pop his shoulder back in with the help of another guy.
Overall, we had heaps of fun. Dramas are fun to reminisce upon.
For now, it's back to the routine. It was a good break I must say and hopefully, it refreshes us for the next leg of our daily life marathon.

Linking up with Jess @ essentiallyjess.com for IBOT!