A Post-coital Embrace That Lingers ’til Dawn

By Jackscott

I received Roving Jay’s review of Perking the Pansies this morning. I needed a stiff drink to calm me down (I made do with strong coffee – even I don’t sup for breakfast). Jay has a written a magical and delicious review. I’m truly flattered and rather humbled. I thought I’d share some of it with you.

For those of you who follow my Bodrum Travel Blog, you know I have a penchant for Top 5 lists, so in honor of the launch of Jack’s first book, I’ve put together a Top 5 list of metaphors to describe my comparison of “Perking the Pansies” the Blog and “Perking the Pansies” the Book:

  • Whereas Jack’s blog is tipsy small-talk, over cheap warm plonk and soggy canapés; Jack’s book is a candle-light dinner, and a heart-to-heart with a trusted confidante.
  • Whereas Jack’s blog is an endless bucket of salty popcorn you absent-mindedly snack on between meals; Jack’s book is a dark chocolate truffle you roll your tongue, to prolong the experience
  • Whereas Jack’s blog is face-puckering tequila, a suck on a lemon and lick of salt; Jack’s book is a full-bodied Bordeaux, maturing and breathing in a crystal cut goblet
  • Whereas Jack’s blog is a frantic knee-trembler with Tabitha the Tart, Jack’s book is a post-coital embrace that lingers ’til dawn
  • Whereas Jack’s blog is an erratic spin on a dodgem carousel, Jack’s book is a memorable limo ride with leather-clad seats

Big thanks Jack for my chauffeured journey through his Pansy field.

Climb aboard, your own journey awaits…

Thank you, Jay.