A Penny For Your Thoughts?

By Mythreesearches

I think I’ve met someone.  He’s smart, handsome, makes me laugh so hard my stomach hurts and seems overall wonderful. I’m not certain where it will go yet, it’s definitely too soon to tell, but for this moment I think I would like to take a short break from dating especially since I have made a vow to focus on my other two searches (more to come on those…)

In the interim I am asking for  your help.

This SOS is intended for any and everyone.  Whether you have your own blog or do not yet have a forum to share your stories, we have all been there and done that when it comes to dating.  I would love to hear about your dreadfully terrible stories and blissfully happy dates.

I would be thrilled to feature your stories on MTS. If you wish, I am more than happy to give credit where it is deserved or keep your story confidential (in fact, you don’t even need to include any personal identifying information), just make sure to let me know which you prefer in your email.

As always, you can reach me via email by clicking here.  I can’t wait to hear from you soon!