A MidSummer Night’s Gleam | So True Naturals’ CATERINA Candle

By Blessmybag @blessmybag

This candle named after super-mama blogger, Cat Juan-Ledesma of CatJuan.com, was created by Mia Rocha-Lauchengco's locally loved brand So True naturals in limited edition jars last May. You may recall they had a Sampleroom run over a year ago. Toss the tomatoes at me for being late to the party in sharing, but this candle scent is still carried and sold by So True naturals and is highly requested. It is just produced in limited amounts every so often (I'm not sure for how much longer) and in different jars. Through the warm atmosphere, Caterina brings whiffs of elegant verbena and greenery to the scene.

Caterina - "A gentle and quiet spirit who has the rare gift of seeing beauty in the mundane. The Caterina Candle is a calming and soothing scent of verbena and fresh-cut grass." There were 2 other scents but this was my favorite. These were limited edition mini candles, 2 oz each sold as a set of 3 for a special price that day from the popupkids x CatJL event. Now they will sell as large candles in approximately 12 ounces (double the heft of a tabletop diptyque 6oz) or 340 grams, for a longer burn time of 60-80 hours. sotruenaturals.com is updating their site this week where the large versions of this trio of candles will sell for Php1795, Caterina is available in new blue or red jars
"How far that little candle throws its beams! So shines a good deed in a naughty world." WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE