This was Christmas, this year.
I unexpectedly had a great Christmas. We lost our dad about two months ago, and I didn't really expect it to be so neat! It's important to know that during the holiday season some want to be with family, yet they cannot, because they have passed on. Some families don't even get along much, which places a damper on things.
This Christmas I went outside and enjoyed some snow, few smiles, took pictures of pretty things, and ate some good food. They seem small, however; they are huge when some don't even have that.
I didn't get a lot of 🎁 , but then I didn't really need any. That was like "totally" fine, because at age 50 it seems for me it's really becoming about everyone else anyway.. at least during this year, anyway.
We even sang a bit, which made it merrier.
This is my sweetie with his guitar. It was a delightful Christmas weekend with hubby and family. Nice and quiet , yet enjoyable.
Life is full of meaningful moments.They are really what makes holidays special. Quality time, new experiences and love. 💕