A Little Political

By Vickilane

It wasn't till Obama's first campaign that I really became interested in following political news. Even Watergate went by in a blur as I was dealing with a toddler. I'd always voted and voted Democrat--not particularly for the candidate but because it was my feeling that, on the whole, the Democrats were more interested in taking care of ordinary folks, as opposed to Republicans, kowtowing to the wealthy.

Obama was something different. I felt really invested in his candidacy and was delighted when he won two terms.

I was impressed with Hilary's intelligence and composure during her debate with the Orange man and bereft when she lost--not the popular vote but in the Electoral College.

Four years of the Orange One were, in my opinion, a national embarrassment. And worse was seeing how his crass and vulgar demeanor emboldened so many of my fellow citizens to give vent to their racism and misogyny.Joe Biden served his country well these past three and a half years. And, unlike the Former Guy, he proved himself capable of putting his country and party ahead of his ego. And now we have Kamala--whose vision and happy energy have brought forth a surge of support.Yeah, I'm deep in the daily reports--as well as the odd stuff that washes up on Facebook (my only social media.) And I watch in amazement as the MAGA crowd decorate their ears with sanitary pads, wear adult diapers over their clothes, and wave plastic cups purporting to be filled with JD Vance's semen.WTAF?As John said, If this were a novel you were writing, you'd dismiss most of this as too far-fetched. True.I only wish I could read the history of this time, say fifty years from now. Assuming, of course, that propaganda hasn't replaced history by then.Interesting times. . .