A Little Kitteh Conundrum

By Vickilane

Yesterday morning just after breakfast, we heard one of the kittehs making that staccato mreow! mreow!  sound that usually means they've caught a mouse or something. John and I both hurried to see what it was (you really don't want an injured mouse going to ground under the furniture) and found Cory stalking through the living room with something in her mouth.   She dropped it and we prepared to deal with the mouse or leaf hopper or whatever, only to find that it was Angeline's collar. 

This was a little unsettling. We hadn't heard any cat-fight sounds but still . . . And we both went in search of Angeline -- whom we found disappearing upstairs.

A closer look revealed no sign of any damage and we were left to wonder just what was going on in Cory's little cat brain. Did the sisters have a friendly tussle, as they often do, and the collar got removed, thereby becoming a trophy? We don't know and Cory isn't telling.