A Little Bit of Recycling

By Behindtheseclosedeyes @theseclosedeyes

I mentioned in my last post that I sadly came to the end of my Cherries on Snow Yankee Candle after rationing the last piece of wax for what seemed like forever! I was then left with a messy jar and really couldn't get rid of it, especially after spending so much on said jar. Then the idea hit me that I could give it a good clean and then use it for holding a selection of the many bits and bobs I have sitting around my room, with my pens and highlighters eventually making their way into the jar. I'm hoping this somehow helps with the uni motivation, but that's still to be seen..
All you need to do is:
  1.  Leave your empty jar in the freezer for about two or three hours. This freezes the remaining small pieces of wax at the bottom of the jar which makes it easier to remove them in chunks.
  2. Once the jar is out of the freezer, take a blunt knife and use it to remove the last pieces of wax. This should be a simple job as it should all pop out in one piece (in theory!)
  3. If the wick is still attached to the bottom of the jar, use the knife to easily pop this out too.
  4. Rinse out the jar with warm water and give it a good scrub with a scourer sponge in order to get rid of any residue and soot around the rim. If you're hoping to keep the label on the jar then try to avoid getting it wet.
  5. Once it's all squeaky clean you just need to dry it off and voila, your empty jar is ready to filled!

For now I'm happy with the jar as it is but I'm sure soon enough I'll remove the label and make it look as pretty as I can. You can never have too many DIY projects eh? You could also use your empty candle jars to hold makeup brushes, cotton pads or some everyday makeup products. Let me know if you have anymore suggestions for ways to re-use candle jars as I'm sure I'll have plenty more to recycle in the future!