I is my dream that all the people out there suffering from a depression will consciously decide that there are usually two choices for them … one is to accept the things they cannot change and make the decision to forge ahead instead of letting things get them down.
Another wish of mine for 2013 is that the press might begin to have respect for people’s rights. No more labeling or stereotyping please. If a man is hurt in a traffic accident, they often write; “Middle aged man run down by a truck.” If a female is involved in a similar accident, the headline will be; “Blonde woman run down by a truck,” and if a person suffering from a mental illness is involved, we will read; “Mentally ill man hit by a truck,” which simply adds to the stigma that I have been trying so hard to lessen.
Let us all behave towards others the way we wish to be treated by them and the world might be a more pleasant place to live in. Let’s appreciate the lovely things in life like the ocean, trees and flowers, a sunset, a good book, relatives, good friends and our health.
On this note, I would like to wish my readers a healthy and a happy 2013.