A Great Drill To Help You Learn Or Improve On Your Split Step

By Jen Campbell @TennisLife_Mag

Hey everyone!

I think we can all agree that the split step is one of the most important aspects of a tennis players footwork. At the recreational level, the split step is almost non-existent, most likely due to lack of training. While teaching this level, I have found that the more I work on footwork, and in particular, the split step, the quicker my students see improvement in their game.

In the above clip, I use a step stool to create the feeling of the split step. By over exaggerating the actual split step my players have an easier time with the muscle memory and in addition they get to use the foot stool as a visual. Win Win!

As always, my goal is to give you the tips and tools you need to be the best tennis players you can be. If you have any questions about rules, strategies, or situations that happened to you on the court, please tell me about it in the comments section below and I'll address it in a future video! Also, be sure and share my posts with your tennis friends, and connect with me through my social media links in my bio below!