A Good Place And Time To Let God Be Your One And Only

By Loveandgrace @loveandgrace20

A Good Place and Time To Let God Be Your One And Only

The courtship ended. The promise of marriage is broken, and He’s dating someone new. You have resolved that it’s for the best and you’re ready to move forward.

The fear of letting go of a relationship that was never going to work has been overcome. Yet, before long, there is this longing to rush and find someone new.

After all, you know how nice it is to say, “I have a boyfriend”. The memories of date nights and the ideal Valentine’s Day are not so far away. Sure, you’re ready to move forward, but not so sure you can do it alone.

When you find yourself in between relationships, it is a perfect opportunity to take some time, and let God be your one and only.

Often while we’re waiting for a new man, God is waiting for us to allow Him to love us the way we need to be loved. We can be so consumed with relationships that we push God to the side. Our time with God becomes less frequent and less intimate.

As we look for the next relationship we sometimes fail to allow God to heal our brokenness from the last relationship. Why is that so, when He is the only one that has and freely gives the satisfaction our souls so desperately need?

While you are waiting on the perfect man, remember that God is your perfect everything. God is your perfect love. He is perfect in faithfulness. He is a perfect comforter. He is the root from which all of your blessings grow.

Jesus provides enough love and grace to keep us from being overly anxious and discontent in our single season. The key is to give Him our time.

If a man you loved walks away, you are not at a deficit as long as you have Christ.

While the dates are on hold, give God as much time as you can. Snuggle on the sofa and tell Him about your day. Tell God how you feel. Share your insecurities and your dreams. Read the scriptures and understand His heart.

Then close your eyes and rest in His peace. Let Him speak to your heart and fill your life with spiritual love and happiness.

In your single state, you will find more opportunities to enjoy God. Abundant living does not begin and end with a boyfriend. There is a love that is perfect and never unsure. Let that Love in.

Romance is wonderful and falling in love with the right person is a blessing.  Dating and courtship really are delights in life. But if you find yourself in between these delights, delight yourself in the endless love of the Lord.

Single, courting, or married, God is “The One” for you. Slow down and make time for Him to be your one and only.