A Gift for “Him”

By India Struthers @India_Alexandra

I have been noticing a lot o, yo (read at least 20) bloggers have been putting together their own version of the Christmas Gift Guide. Now, because I am not so technically able (I don’t know how to do all those cool little curly number things and put all the presents into neat little collages) I am going to “present” to you a gift for “him” and a gift for “her” (next week). This is The Book of Everyone and it’s really very cool, and I think perfect for your man, and in my case, my father. A book which is absolutely perfect to curl up with by the fire (as I did) on those rainy, windy and horrible evenings. You know the kind which definitely makes you glad of fires and cosy socks as well as lots of refills of hot tea? A book which is fun to flip open and is dedicated especially to your chosen person, and all you have to do is enter their name and date of birth, et voila! I also think it will be perfect to read at the end of Christmas day when everyone is in that “snooze mood”. You can always ...