A Food Revolution in South Africa

By Dietdoctor @DietDoctor1

Photo: Monica Dart

I’m about to leave South Africa after a great week. Apart from just enjoying this fantastic place we (me, Monique Forslund and professor Tim Noakes) did three lectures on LCHF, and one debate, at the Sports Science Institute of South Africa and at the University of Cape Town Medical School.

It really feels like professor Noakes has started a LCHF revolution in South Africa that might one day catch up to the one in Scandinavia. A lot of smart people – like doctors, students and health coaches – are starting to fully get it. It feels like it did in Sweden a couple of years ago (we’ve gotten even further now).

I’ll end by quoting a tweet from professor Noakes from after the last event – that went two hours over because of all the questions – at UCT:

“Fat power”. I like it.