A Fitness Update - #3

By Hollysbeautybox @hollysbeautybox
It's been a while since I did a fitness update so I thought I would let you know how things were going both emotionally and on the scales.

Post Workout Sweaty Mess Picture. I aim to please.

Normally by now I would be running out of steam and would be getting close to jumping off the health wagon and firmly onto the junk food train (#fatassproblems) but actually I am still going pretty strong!
My diet has gone through a complete overhaul and I've never eaten so healthily or had such a positive attitude to food in all my life. I actually think that is one of the most surprising things about the whole process. I still get days where all I want is a cream egg but on the whole, I don't get many cravings at all. I know that I can have a cheat meal on a Saturday night and I'm pretty happy and content knowing I am not deprived of the things I love.
Aside from that, I have more energy, I don't get so out of breath climbing the stairs, I get more done in a day and I actually look forward to working out each day. I am able to go out for walks and stuff during the day now too because the weather is getting better. (THANK GOD!).
In terms of the scales - I am 9LBS down!! WOOHOO!! I'm pretty proud of myself as you can probably tell :D Not many people have noticed a difference yet I don't think - I have noticed a difference in my stomach and my arms so far, they look less flubba lubba and more flubba lub wthout the BA. Makes no sense, I just mean they look a weeeee bit smaller.
One thing I have become terrified of is loose skin. Call me vain but I just don't want to do all this work to then have to fork out a few grand to have some skin sliced off. I don't expect the NHS to pay for it (I chose to gain and loose the weight so ergo it's my fault) but I wish it was more affordable. Like 20 quid would be better for me. Just saying.
I'm not even in that place yet so I will just carry on and hopefully the skin will tighten as I go. I'd love to hear any of your thoughts or experiences with this in the comments please!
H x