A Different Wedding Anniversary: Letter To My Husband

By Makemeupmandy @mandywebb28
This week, Husband and I celebrate our wedding anniversary. If you follow my blog, you would know by now that my husband and I are the type who tend to debate, squabble, bicker... we find it hard to be lovey dovey. It's just... us. Which is why writing such a personal letter to my husband is so difficult, awkward and all kinds of shy for me. Still, I thought it would be timely for one...
This past year hasn't been easy at all. This anniversary, more than any of the other ones, feels like a milestone of sorts. More than "just another year in a marriage", it has been an honest struggle in some ways but an overall triumph at the end of the day. Or perhaps, "a significant growth" would be much more apt.
We got married pretty young and I have to honestly say I never really was prepared or realistic about whatever lay ahead. I have heard all the challenges, all the stories but like most people, I just thought maybe I was the exception. And that was failure on my part.
Husband, I have to say, you are not perfect. You are so far from perfect. And so am I.
But I also have to say I am really proud of the changes and growth you and I have gone through this past year.
For starters, I have never thought you would see a counselor with me. I don't think anybody believed you would do it. I am so proud that you have gone from a man who thought it is "stupid to listen to someone imperfect tell you how to live your life" to someone who has since changed your stance and even encouraged your own mate to see a counselor. I am so glad you went with me and I truly thank you for humbling yourself. And it is so endearing to watch you quietly encourage your own friend.
Husband, we are so completely different yet similar all at the same time. Your carefree spirit drew me to you; yet it is your carefree spirit that makes me pull at my hair sometimes! I have always said it is a fatal flaw of sorts. At the same time, I am sure though you have tolerated plenty of my own imperfections. An ongoing symphony of giving and taking.
I think this anniversary is a little different. It is not one of extravagant celebration (though I do thank you for the Samsung tablet you got me last year ahem ;) .
This anniversary feels like... a quiet, tranquil moment of gratitude. A gratitude to God's grace for seeing two imperfect humans through another year. A gratitude-on-hindsight for the challenges faced. A gratitude to you for humbling yourself and the amazing changes we have seen in our lives. A gratitude to you for your tremendous effort. A gratitude to you for your patience and love towards me as well. A gratitude to the magnanimity of big hearts and forgiveness on both of parts - words that should never have been spoken or heard.
This year has been hard but it has also been good. This year I have been truly surprised by the turn of events. This year I think we have grown and learned. And I thank you for growing and learning with me. Happy Anniversary.

"Love does not consist in gazing at each other, but in looking outward together in the same direction." - Antoine de Saint-Exupery
Linking up with Essentially Jess for IBOT, albeit a little late on this Tuesday night..