A Cup of Health: 10 Benefits of Drinking Tea Everyday

By Mani Mukhija @manimukhija

Tea has been part of human history for millennia. Before, China was the leading tea producer, but it became so popular that now you can find it in every corner of the world. This hot drink can be the perfect element for any rainy afternoon chat or an essential part of your daily morning routine.
Tea is delicious, but it's not the only reason we choose to consume it; tea brings many benefits to our health. Read on to discover them, and feel free to have a cup of tea while doing so.

Health benefits of drinking tea
  1. Drinking tea can help with stress and anxiety. Life is hard and full of stress, and these strange times we're living in are not making it more manageable. Being under constant pressure can lead you to insomnia. For this case, chamomile tea is famous for its calming properties; you can drink a cup just before bedtime to get a night of better sleep.
  2. Tea is right for your brain. Green tea is considered to be one of the healthiest beverages in the world. It contains a significant load of antioxidants to keep your body healthy. For example, green tea improves brain function thanks to the caffeine; although it doesn't have as much caffeine, it still boosts vigilance, reaction time, and memory.
  3. Tea aids your digestion. Due to stress or other factors, many adults suffer from digestion issues. Peppermint is known for its properties to soothe upset stomachs, while ginger tea can reduce nausea and indigestion. These two are among the most popular teas for digestion, but you can also try with fennel, angelica root, and dandelion, to name some.
  4. You can reduce belly fat with tea. Unsweetened tea can be beneficial for weight loss to burn some belly fat. Black tea is a great choice. A study of 111 people found that drinking three cups of black tea every day for three months reduced their waist circumference, compared to drinking caffeine-matched control beverages. If black tea isn't your thing, oolong tea and green tea are also a choice.
  5. Tea for healthier teeth. Ah, coffee is delicious. But if you want white teeth, you better avoid drinking it every day. Instead, you can take a cup of white tea. It's the less processed tea variety and contains a high amount of fluoride and antioxidants. White tea, just like black and green tea, fights plaque-forming bacteria and makes your teeth more resistant to avoid developing cavities.
  6. Boost your immune system with tea. We're always worried that we get the flu, but now more than ever, we need to take care of our immune system. There are some vitamins and food that can help, but herbal teas are also an excellent option. Herbs like ginger, turmeric, hibiscus, and peppermint have high loads of antioxidants and antibacterial properties. "True" teas can also help your immune system, especially green tea. Of course, there's no replacement for professional medical advice if you're feeling sick.
  7. High blood pressure? Tea can help. Hypertension is becoming more and more common these days. Poor eating habits and stress are some of the contributors to this condition. A study found that the minimum tea consumption needed to lower blood pressure is half a cup per day of green or oolong tea for at least one year. It seems like a very achievable goal for this year, right?
  8. Get glowing skin with tea. Particularly in winter, our skin tends to get dry. But luckily, winter is also the perfect season to enjoy a hot cup of tea and stay hydrated with something more than water. Some teas, like, have vitamins and amino acids, contain catechins to stimulate collagen production and keep cells healthy. Rooibos tea is an excellent anti-aging remedy thanks to its antioxidants and zinc levels, which can also balance hormones and prevent acne.
  9. Tea for the heart. Although tea isn't responsible for a lower risk of heart attack, it has compounds called flavonoids that help dampen inflammation. Green and black tea are also suitable for lowering cholesterol. You can improve your cardiovascular health by consuming tea up to three or more times a week.
  10. Menstrual cramps and tea. Probably you've used or heard that warm chamomile seeds can help you ease the aches. Well, a cup of tea may be a nice addition because of its anti-spam properties and sedative effects. If you suffer from menstrual pains and find it difficult to do your daily activities, a cup of tea may help you get on track.

We're spending so much time at home, working and continuing with our lives - but not as usual. The truth is that we need to look forward to a healthier lifestyle during these challenging times. And now you know you can start your days taking a gratifying sip of tea.