A Business by Any Other Name

By Generatorland @generatorland

We’ve had a lot of requests for a Business Name Generator and we’ve had a few users build their own. We decided to buckle down and build one. Actually we re-purposed the Domain Name Generator because these days it’s essentially the same thing. Most companies trying to think up a new company name alternate between ideas and a site like Network Solutions or GoDaddy to see if the domain is available. No point naming your company BlueSpark if BlueSpark.com is already taken (it is).

Also, we’re fairly lazy, so this turned out to be the optimal solution. We did add some additional words to the generator array list, but it’s still awfully similar. Hopefully it’s also awfully helpful to anyone trying to come up with a company name that rolls of the tongue and sticks in people’s melons.

Let us know what y’all think.