A Book About Hunger, Strength and How to Love Your Body [Cameron Diaz]

By Beautifulosophy.com

The body book by Cameron Diaz

OUTER BEAUTYMany are the stars that have published personal books on beauty. One of the most recent, and also one getting pretty good reviews for it, is Cameron Diaz. "I fell into fitness by accident," says the actress, a former string bean and smoker to SELF Magazine. "But it's become something I depend on physically and emotionally. I feel so much more empowered now. Some days I stay in bed because sleep is more important to me at that moment. And some days I go to the gym for literally 10 minutes. But the fact that I got up and got there matters to me. Because at the end of all of this, I want to be able to say, 'I did the best I could.' It's not about having a ripped stomach. It's about taking care of myself."
[Quote source SELF Magazine]