A Blast from the Mythological Past

By Vickilane

All this talk of Golden Showers, whether fake news or something much more serious, has me thinking of the legend of Danae who was impregnated by Zeus in the form of a shower of gold. Zeus liked to have his way with maidens but often had to disguise himself in a vain attempt to fool his jealous wife Hera.

It never worked. She always found out. And how I hope that this vulgar buffoon who is about to be inaugurated is  eventually found out by his supporters for what he really is. His cries of 'fake news' would carry a bit more weight if it hadn't been he who kept up the story that Obama wasn't born in the US, promising the faithful that 'his people' were making some interesting discoveries. And did he ever open his mouth to discredit the incredibly far-fetched 'pizzagate' libel? If he did, I missed it. "People are saying" that DT is a useful puppet for Putin.  Will this turn out to be true? And even if it did, would it bother the true believers who seem totally okay with their leader's infatuation with Putin? The lack of regard for facts puts this whole election into the realm of mythology. It would be interesting to read what history will have to say about this time we are living. Always assuming that the future hold anything resembling objective history . . .