A Bit Of Va Va Voom For Your Wardrobe..

By Beautybliss @BeautyBliss14

I happened to come across a lovely and  unique clothing store on twitter not so long ago, called Veuxdoo!

They turn vintage clothing into modern garments with a twist and their accessories are eye-catching to say the least, something I love about them! I had to actually stop myself from going a bit mental with the purchase button and contain myself to only buy two items. Of course, when pay-day comes, you can guarantee I will be back on there snooping for more purchases and watching my bank balance decrease.

You never really know what to expect when it comes to a new store, especially when it’s online, but when I received my goodies, I was extremely impressed with the quality. The T-Shirt is nice and thick and just the right fit, and the necklace chain, considering the price, is sturdy and doesn’t feel cheap at all. This resulted in a very pleased me!

I went for the army print baggy t-shirt, as I thought it would look cool for a casual look, with leggins or disco pants, paired with creepers! And it does look perfect matched together, thanks Veuxdoo, you beauties!

I also chose the Hamsa Hand black necklace which I absolutely love, it goes perfectly with a white crop top or even with the army t-shirt. An absolute treat! My order arrived so quickly which I was really thankful for, as they packed and sent them off themselves that weekend. Another thing to rave about is their customer service, they seem like genuinely lovely people and take the time to reply back to you and ask you if you like your order. You don’t get that kinda service with larger brands!

Check these guys out if you are looking for something different, with a bit of quirky edgy-ness to it. I think you will be drawn in quickly, just like I was…but don’t blame me when your a bit skint after visiting…