8 Truths About the Fart You Ignore!

By Jeak @mylifeandheath

how my life and health
8 truths about the fart you ignore!

Some natural functions of our body like hiccups, burps and farts are the source of teasing and more or less embarrassing situations. especially pets, are often a source of shame when they occur in public, mainly because of their smell nothing like the scent of roses! 8 Discover the truths you’ve probably never heard of this natural phenomenon!

What is the “pet”?
The pet is the name generally given to the phenomenon of release of intestinal gas through the anus. These gases originate from the fermentation of certain foods or their decomposition by the intestinal flora. They are also favored by too rapid mastication that allows a large amount of air to reach the stomach.

To help you better understand this phenomenon, here are 8 truths about the pets you have probably never heard of.

8 truths about pets:
Men fart as much as women
According to popular belief, women emit less intestinal gas than men. But scientifically speaking, this is not true, they are equal on this point. The only difference is that women have more restraint than men who generally do not bother to contain.

The daily amount of pets
According to statistics, a person farts on average 14 times a day and thus releases between 0.5 and 1 liter of gas per day. This amount varies from one person to another as a function of consumed food and the health of its digestive system.

It is a sign of good health
Yes, farting is good for health, but it is not a reason to do anything goes! According Kashyup Purna, a gastroenterologist at the Mayo Clinic in Minnesota, but eat healthy foods that promote bloating such as cabbage, broccoli, or prunes, helps nourish and strengthen the beneficial bacteria in the intestinal flora. Thus, they are better able to break down sugars and fiber, and to avoid digestive problems and the risk of infection.

The smell of pet’s health benefits
The smell of pet is sometimes so nauseous that you feel suffocated. However, this unpleasant odor due to high levels of hydrogen sulphide – characterized by its rotten egg odor – has a beneficial effect on our cells.

According to a study by the University of Exeter in Britain, hydrogen sulfide can prevent and repair damage to the mitochondria due to cell aging, diabetes, arthritis, heart failure or stroke. This gas naturally produced by the stressed cells serves to preserve the mitochondria, which are their main source of energy, and to fight against inflammation and survive.

The sound of farts
Note that some pets are quiet and unnoticed, while others are much more noticed by the horn sound from them. In fact, this is due to the air pressure at the outlet and the tension of the muscles around the anus. More pressure is high and tense muscles, plus the sound is high and vice versa.

Foods that promote farts
Some foods such as beans, cabbage, chickpeas are known to aggravate this phenomenon. Sugar content significantly biases the action of the intestinal flora to decompose, which contributes to the production of gases. In addition, regular consumption of soft drinks and chewing gum, stress and anxiety cause excessive flatulence.

The most suitable time for pets
Although some people have enough restraint to avoid as much as possible to fart in front of their colleagues or even their spouses, there comes a point where the gas must absolutely be evacuated: the night. When sleeping, the muscles of the whole body relax, which helps lower the level of “social alarm” and so let nature.

Species that fart more
Termites are the species that produces the most flatulence, followed by camels, zebra, sheep, cows, elephants and dogs.

8 truths about the fart you ignore!