7 Tips on How to Treat Lactose Intolerance

By Chioma

Doctors have estimated that up to 70% of the world's adult population and about thirty to fifty million American may have difficulty digesting lactose, a sugar found in milk, cheese and other dairy foods. The reason for this is that adults often don't produce enough lactase, which is the enzyme needed to digest the lactose in the dairy foods. When our body can't digest lactose, you may have gas, bloating or diarrhoea. Doctors call this problem lactose intolerance. Some people were born with lactose intolerance. More often, the problem gradually gets worse with age, which is why children can usually drink milk while many can't. Both men and women can develop lactose intolerance, but it is a more urgent problem for women. This is because it is harder for them to get the calcium they need to prevent osteoporosis, a bone- thinning disease that mainly strikes women. If you have lactose intolerance, even small amount of dairy foods can make you ill.

How to treat Lactose Intolerance

Most people, however can enjoy some dairy foods without having any problem. There are number of ways on how to treat lactose intolerance so as to get the benefits of dairy without the problems. They include:

Have a little yoghurt: To get the benefits of dairy without the problems, many people turn to yoghurt. Yoghurt containing live cultures of bacteria is easier for the body to digest than milk of other dairy foods. In fact eating yoghurt will often make it easier for you to digest other dairy foods, as well .Frozen yoghurt does not work, this is because freezing deactivates the live cultures.

Explore milk alternatives: If you can't drink cow's milk, you can enjoy other forms of milk, such as soy milk. Many people with lactose intolerance find buttermilk easier to digest than regular milk.

Start small: Evidence suggests that most people with lactose intolerance are able to enjoy small amount of dairy foods. Try having a small glass of milk and see if it agrees with your body. Then gradually increase the amount until you discover your upper limit. In most cases, people with lactose intolerance will tolerate dairy foods better when they have them with meals.

Take supplements: To replace the lactose your body is not producing naturally , you can buy lactose supplements in the pharmacy and some grocery stores. These supplements may be taken in pills or capsule form or simply as drops that you put in a glass of milk. Or you can buy reduced lactose milk, which has far less lactose than regular milk

Try it with chocolate: Evidence suggest that adding a little cocoa to milk makes it easier for the for the body to digest .

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Buy hard cheese: Different cheese contain different amount of lactose. The hard cheese like Swiss or extra-sharp cheddar are among the easiest for people who have lactose intolerance to digest

Concentrate on calcium: The worst part about lactose intolerance is that it is often hard to get all the calcium you need without drinking milk or eating cheese. To make up for missing mineral; it is a good idea to eat calcium-rich foods like broccoli, kidney beans, collard green, tofu, and dark green leafy vegetable. In addition, orange juice is often fortified with calcium.

Source: Natural Healing Secrets by Brian Chichester