7 Tips for Getting the Lush Lash Look Without Extensions

By Demi Mist @Beautyandmist

7 Tips for Getting the Lush Lash Look without Extensions

Long and thick eyelashes represent a staple of genuine beauty, drawing attention and making everyone envious. However, not all women are born with such eyelashes, having no other possibility but to improvise. Resorting to eyelash extensions might seem like the only alternative, but it is not. Eyelash extensions are expensive, plus they can damage the actual eyelashes.

If you are interested in getting the lush lash look, without having to resort to extensions, we invite you to keep on reading.

#1. Eyeliner on the upper lash line

If you want to draw attention to your eyelashes, make them appear thicker than they really are, it is recommended to apply eyeliner on the upper lash line. However, the application should be made below the eyelashes and not above, as you are probably accustomed to. In this way, you will make your eyelash line to appear darker than it really is. Make sure to use a pencil that has a creamy texture, using your finger to ensure a uniform application. With this trick, you will never consider the use of eyelash extensions that is for certain.

If you want your eyelashes to look beautiful, you will consider the overnight oil conditioning. First of all, it is recommended that you use oil that is cold-pressed and unrefined. Two of the greatest choices include castor and olive oil, but you can also use marula oil. Castor oil is often prescribed for the conditioning of the eyelashes, stimulating their growth and providing the necessary hydration at the same time. It is rich in fatty acids, which are absorbed into the eyelash, promoting their growth in general.

7 Tips for Getting the Lush Lash Look without Extensions

The vitamin B complex has been recommended for various health complaints, allowing the body to recover from serious illnesses. Biotin belongs to the vitamin B complex and it can be used to stimulate the growth of the eyelashes. These supplements can be prescribed by the doctor, helping not only the eyelashes but also the hair and the nails to become stronger and look amazing. So, if you are interested in stimulating the growth of your eyelashes, consider these Biotin supplements as well.

According to lifestyle news today , the lash serum is one of the most useful products for healthy eyelashes. Such products are meant to help you achieve thick and long eyelashes, impressing everyone with your look. The first results are noticeable within a period of thirty days, so make sure you stay consistent whereas the application is concerned. There are also mascara products that have stimulating serums integrated into them, so you can consider using them as well.

#5. Eyelash curler before mascara

In the situation that you apply the mascara first and use the eyelash curler second, you will risk actually damaging the eyelashes. The eyelashes will, most likely, stick to the curler and end up being pulled out. Instead, if you use the eyelash curler first and the mascara second, you will no doubt look amazing. The best curling experience is guaranteed by eyelashes that are clean, without any makeup being applied in the area.

#6. Blow-dryer to heat the eyelash curler

This is one of the oldest tricks in the book, providing you with excellent results, whereas your eyelashes are concerned. All you have to do is use your blow-dryer, in order to heat the eyelash curler for a little bit. In this way, it is guaranteed that the eyelashes are going to curl more quickly, being able to stay curled for a prolonged period of time. However, you should not apply the curler immediately to the eyelashes, as you will risk damaging them; test the curler on the back of your hand, to be certain that it is alright.

If you want to add volume to your eyelashes, the application of baby powder should do the trick. What you want to do is apply the baby powder between the first and second coat of mascara. As an alternative, you can use translucent powder, as it guarantees similar results. The application of such products between the two mascara coats will ensure that your eyelashes have a beautiful volume.

These are seven tips for getting the lush lash look without extensions. Keep in mind that you should never exaggerate with the eyelash curler, as you might end up doing more harm than good. Moreover, it is always recommended to remove your makeup before going to bed. The makeup removal should be gentle, to avoid losing eyelashes or damaging them in the process. You should also maintain a healthy diet and drink plenty of water, so as to support the health of the eyelashes and look fantastic all the time.

Daisy Grace works as a health and beauty writer. She specializes in women's health and also explores topics related to general health and beauty. Daisy loves studying the latest trends in health, fitness, diet, cosmetics and skin care, but her experience extends further than that. She writes on all aspects of women's health and beauty skin care and also various product reviews. Read more of her expertise on , & .