7 Things You Did Not Know Are Signs of Premature Aging – Tips & Tricks to Avoid Them

By Alyssa Martinez @ItsMariaAlyssa

You might've heard, "Age is just a number," which implies we have given much significance to just a number when we can actually do something about it.

Yes! You Read It Right!

Now, you must be thinking, aging is a natural process, and every living being experiences it at one part of their life. So, how can we stop it?

You are right. We cannot control it. Indeed, it's impossible to stop what comes naturally.

Some face it when the time comes, while others may get surprised by early aging or premature aging. There could be several different causes of premature aging, depending on the individual's lifestyle and habits.

Still, there are some positive ways, tips, and tricks you can apply to your routine to delay the signs of aging.

To know the solutions, one must encounter the problem. And by any means, we don't believe aging is a problem, but the effects that come with it can be. 😊

1. Age Spots

Our body needs Vitamin D to balance the amount of phosphate and calcium in the body. A low amount of vitamin D can cause bone density loss leading to rickets in children and osteoporosis in adults. We get it, Sunlight exposure is necessary for the body to keep the bones healthy, but as we all know, excess of everything is bad.

Do one thing every day, WEAR SUNSCREEN!

Years of exposure to direct sunlight can harm your body in the long run. Sunspots, aka Age spots, are number one on our list of the things you did not know are the signs of premature Aging. Depending on the degree of sun exposure, one can experience painfully red skin, termed sunburn, a severe risk for skin cancer. (Check how you can use argan oil for sunburns?)

2. Droopy Eyelids

It would not be wrong to say that eyelids are one of the body parts that most people take for granted. However, eyelids give protection to your eyes from dryness, strain, and foreign bodies. They keep the eyes hydrated during sleep by evenly spreading tears around the eyes.

Eyelids are connected to three muscles serving different purposes for the eye. Injury or Weakness in any of the attached tendons or muscles causes eyelids to droop. Some people might observe droopy eyelids since birth, while others may experience it with age. There are several ways to fix droopy eyelids.

You can try eyelid tape for droopy eyelids, home remedies like cucumber slices, icing, chamomile tea bags, and foods rich in beta-carotene (bright-colored fruits and vegetables) and lutein (greens i-e spinach, kale), and different eyelid lift exercises.

3. Cracking Joints

Exercise can really make a difference when we talk about the cracking or weakening of joints. The question is, can physical activity and daily exercise routine can help your joints? As little as 10-20 minutes of moderate activity might boost the immune system and strengthen the body's muscles. Even the slightest physical activity can help people with their joints problems by increasing the range of motion and stamina to workout.

Source: Yandex

4. Dry Skin

You might think about how dry skin can be a sign of premature Aging. That's because dehydrated skin can shrivel plump skin cells, making them prone to flaking. This flaking can then lead to early fine lines and wrinkles. Dull and dry skin gives off a flaky look to the skin, making it look older-hydration supports the body to flush out the toxins and lubricate the joints. There could be several reasons that dry out the skin, but it is necessary to moisturize the skin to keep it hydrated as moisturized and hydrated skin is less likely to get exposed to flaking.

5. Loose / Saggy Skin

Sun exposure can break down the collagen in the skin, the protein that is responsible for keeping the skin in its shape. The more the skin is exposed, the higher are the chances of it to lose elasticity. Skin is the largest organ of the body, and it provides protection to the body against numerous elements. Skin's ability to regain the original shape after a slight stretch is skin elasticity. Area of the skin that faces more Sun exposure, smoking, pollution can aid in premature aging, giving a saggy and loose look to the skin. Hyaluronic acid, Retinoids & Retinol, laser treatments, and chemical peels are some of the ways that help with the improvement of skin elasticity.

6. Stress

A continuous facial expression can cause early wrinkles on that specific area due to the muscles' constant engagement in the same place. Stress and Tension can trigger an inflammatory reaction in the body, releasing stress hormones that may aid in the cells' premature aging process.

Stress can be a vital reason for the shortening of telomeres. A study revealed by a business insider mentioned the discovery of the biologist Elizabeth Blackburn, which stated that the end of chromosomes (telomeres) are accountable for the aging process in our cells. The shorter the ends, the more speedy is the aging process.

7. Restless Body 24/7

Our body's performance and how fit we feel physically depend on our biological age. Premature aging is a sign that doesn't align well with the number of your chronological age. Our biological age is directly proportional to the symptoms of premature Aging. It is the age-based measurement of biomarkers that alternate depending on our lifestyle, diet, and other health features and aspects. What we eat in our diet may affect our aging process, and by adjusting and balancing our lifestyle and diet, we might have some control over premature aging signs.

Bottom Line

Aging is a natural process, but signs of premature Aging that may show at an earlier age can make young adults look and feel way older than their chronological age. It can also affect the individual's self-confidence and can be a root cause of many other problems.

The more we know about the habits, diet, lifestyle, and other health factors that aid in our early or premature aging, the more we might know how to control or avoid those signs. Have you experienced any other signs of premature Aging that we missed? Let us know in the comments below.