7 Signs You’re A Black Woman Mogul in the Wilderness

By Pamelabrowncoaching @coach_pam_brown

Hello Sister Queens!

I’m really passionate about helping black women who want their sovereignty.  They want to live their lives on their terms.

If you’re like me, you don’t like your financial well-being in the hands of people who don’t care about or value you.

Being an educated and/or out-spoken black women on the corporate plantation is detrimental to your success.  At the same time, it seems like a challenge to escape the plantation.

At one point in my life, I was always trying things and getting nowhere.  I always was getting things and losing things.  All these ‘failures’ deepened my sense of insecurity, inadequacy, and anger.  As a result, I felt helpless.

It’s difficult to build anything from this place.  Little did I know, I was on the ‘shadow side’ of who I really am.  I was a Mogul Queen in the wilderness.

Until I discovered who I am and what I’m here to become, I couldn’t do what it took to finally break free and begin creating my life in the way I wanted to live.

Are you a Mogul Queen in the Wilderness?  Listen to the video below to find out!

Also, I am offering complimentary “Activate your Queen D.N.A.” Breakthrough Sessions for those Queens who are serious about reclaiming their lives so they can reign in their Queendom on a solid foundation.  If you are ready to release bondage and manifest freedom, apply here!

Enjoy the video!

To your Regal Magnificence,

Pamela Brown

The Queen of Bounce Back

Women’s Empowerment Coach & Fierce Warrioress