7 of the Best Inspirational Quotes

By Fitfulfocus @fitfulfocus

Besides a lot of incredible food, I got to hear a lot of incredible people speak at Blogfest and the IDEA World Fitness convention. It would take me days to summarize all of the amazing talks, so rather than give you a novel, I thought I’d leave you with my favorite quotes from the weekend. I hope they make you think and leave you as inspired as they’ve left me.

1. “You don’t have energy. You generate it.” – Brendon Burchard



3. “Commit to the process and the race will take care of itself.” – Jason Karp


5. “Eat less. Move more.” - Jenna Wolfe



7. “You know you’re making progress when you start making new mistakes.” - Hayley Hollander

If you’re looking for even more inspiration, why not join me for the 2nd round of the #LJInspired Instagram Challenge?! It just kicked off yesterday, so there’s plenty of time to join. I’ll be posting the challenges each week here and on IG, so be sure to check it out and get involved for your chance to win a copy of Lorna Jane’s new book, Inspired

This post is partially sponsored by Lorna Jane in partnership with Fit Approach.

And join me TONIGHT from 8:30 – 9:30pm EST for a Twitter Party for your chance to win prizes & a copy of Inspired. RSVP to the party here. 

Get inspired with these motivational quotes and join the #LJInspired Twitter Party TONIGHT!
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Let’s Chat:
What’s your favorite inspirational quote?
Which of the BlogFest/Idea World speakers are you most inspired by?
Are you joining the Twitter Party and/or the Instagram challenge?