7 Best Drinks You Can Have on Keto (And Which Ones to Avoid)

By Jessicashaw

The keto diet is a great way to lose weight and improve health. But getting into ketosis can be tough. Here’s a look at the best keto-friendly drinks (and which ones to avoid) to help you master the ketogenic diet.

The benefits of keto are almost endless…

It’s a proven way to target annoying belly fat1. The diet helps reduce cravings and hunger2. And, of course, it’s an absolute monster when it comes to weight loss3.

However, it is fairly regimented in terms of what you can and cannot consume.

Especially when it comes to drinks, which can often be overloaded with carbs and sugar, kicking you out of ketosis.

In This Guide:

While we all know the importance of drinking lots of water (especially on keto), but what about other beverages?

In this article, we will look at the best (tastiest!) drinks you can have on keto.

We will also look at some drinks that you should avoid.

Let’s jump in.

The Keto Diet – How it Works

Keto is incredibly effective at helping people lose weight, which is namely why it’s become one of the most popular diets around the world.

Requiring the restriction of carbs to around 20 to 50 grams per day, this diet focuses more on high-fat, high-protein consumption.

When you restrict carbs to this extent, the body starts using up its glycogen stores and instead produces ketones for fuel.

This metabolic state is called “ketosis.”

Want help getting into ketosis FASTER? Ketogenic diet pills are a proven way to increase ketone levels by over 300% and can reduce the amount of time it takes to get into ketosis by more than half. I’ve compiled a list of the best keto pills here.

When in ketosis, your body uses stored fat for energy, which makes losing weight more straightforward.

It also helps regulate blood sugar, insulin, and blood pressure.

This will help you feel better, and also minimize cravings of “bad” or heavily-processed foods.

However, consuming too many carbs or sugars can kick you out of ketosis.

When this happens, the body goes back to using glycogen stores/carbs as energy.

If you’re serious about reaping all the benefits Keto has to offer, it’s important to stay in ketosis and be consistent.

Many beginners with keto get kicked out of ketosis without even realizing it, by drinking beverages that aren’t exactly Keto-friendly.

To make sure that doesn’t happen to you, let’s explore beverages that are perfect for sipping on Keto, as well as those you should avoid.

Best Keto-Friendly Drinks and Beverages

Let’s talk about the best Keto-friendly drinks out there, and their nutritional content, per serving.

1. Coffee

Who can really live life without coffee?

We’re here to let you know that coffee is not only an acceptable Keto choice, but one of the most Keto-friendly beverages out there.

It not only tastes good, but offers a nice energy boost to help you power through your day or give your performance an edge in the gym.

Of course, when we say “coffee”, we’re referring to black coffee.

If you want to add a splash of whole milk or heavy cream, that’s okay, too.

A tablespoon of heavy cream has less than a gram of carbs, after all!

Steer clear of condensed milk.

While it may be in the dairy family, it’s also packed full of sugar!

If you like it sweet, Stevia and monk fruit sweeteners are always a great option (see also: Can You Drink Coffee on Keto? Yes, Here’s How). 

There are few things more pleasant in this world than a freshly-brewed cup of coffee to start out the day with.

While Keto may be restrictive in some ways, it would never require us to give up the elixir of life.

  • Calories: 1 g
  • Total Fat: 0 g
  • Cholesterol: 0 mg
  • Sodium: 5 mg
  • Potassium: 116 mg
  • Carbohydrates: 0 g

2. Tea

Staying on the hot beverage train, loose leaf and unsweetened teas are other great choices!

Green, black, white, herbal, and iced tea (again, unsweetened) are the most popular options among Keto dieters.

Most contain zero carbs per serving, and can provide additional benefits to your overall health.

Stay a bit wary and make sure to read the nutrition label of any other types of teas.

See also: 7 Best Supplements to Get into Ketosis Faster

Ready-to-Drink teas and instant teas often contain a lot of added sugar—particularly flavored teas!

Green tea is probably the best choice of them all, thanks to the added antioxidants.

There are many studies that suggest drinking tea could help improve blood vessel function to keep the heart healthy.

To add a bit of extra fat into your diet, or some texture to your beverage, add in a splash of heavy cream.

  • Calories: 2 g
  • Total Fat: 0 g
  • Cholesterol: 0 mg
  • Sodium: 10 mg
  • Potassium: 43 mg
  • Carbohydrates: 0.4 g

3. Vegetable Juice

While most fruit juices are full of sugars and carbs, you can definitely create delicious veggie-based juices that will keep you in ketosis.

6 Best Keto Cookbooks for Mastering the Ketogenic Diet. The right keto cookbook can give you clarity and the recipes to keep your tastebuds happy and your weight loss goals on track. Here’s a review of the best keto cookbooks on shelves right now.

Throw in some kale, spinach, cucumber, and mint, and you have yourself a delicious, filling, healthy drink.

4. Water

This is the most obvious, of course.

But it is also the most essential. Staying well-hydrated is important for anyone on the planet, whether we are talking about dieting or not.

However, it’s even more crucial when you’re on Keto, as it’s much easier to become dehydrated when in ketosis.

Proper hydration is also crucial for lessening the symptoms of the keto flu, which can include nausea, headaches, and fatigue as your body turns from relying on carbohydrates for energy into a fat-burning dynamo.

With that being said, water is simply the best beverage you could be sipping on.

Add in some electrolyte supplements to mix into your water, for optimal results.

5. Sparkling Water

Sparkling water is a great way to mix things up, while boosting hydration.

Just make sure to avoid tonic.

It may look similar to sparkling water, but it actually contains quite a bit of sugar!

Squeeze in a bit of lemon or lime, or add mint to make it more flavorful and refreshing.

6. Bone Broth

Bone broth is nice and comforting on a rainy day, and is a fantastic way to help keep your electrolytes up.

Thanks to the sodium content, it will actually help you stay hydrated.

Don’t be afraid of salt while on Keto!

See also: Keto vs. Paleo Diets: Pros, Cons and Differences

There are different brands and type of broth out there, so choose whatever works for you.

Bone broth has a bit extra protein, so if you need to add in some more to your diet, it’s a convenient way to do so.

  • Calories: 31
  • Total Fat: 3 g
  • Cholesterol: 0 mg
  • Sodium: 140 – 600 mg
  • Potassium: 120 mg
  • Carbohydrates: 0 g

7. Certain Milks

Milks like unsweetened almond milk, coconut, hemp, macadamia, or cashew milk are all fantastic while on Keto.

All contain approximately 0 grams of sugar and around 1 gram of net carbs.

Of course, it’s always recommended that you look at the nutrition label of each milk you buy.

Some tend to hide sugars and additives that could kick you out of ketosis.

We’ll dive a bit deeper into milk in our next section.

Drinks to Avoid When Doing Keto

Most Milks

While the nut milks we just mentioned are generally good for Keto, be wary of most milks.

Dairy is typically an important cornerstone in Keto dieting, and in most cases, it’s one of those “the more the merrier” situations.

However, milk can hold up to a whopping 12 grams of net carbs per cup!

Milk is also pretty sugar-heavy.

However, it isn’t just regular milk that should be avoided while on Keto.

Rice milk and oat milk are naturally high in carbs, so it comes as no surprise they contain 21 grams of net carbs and 17 grams of net carbs, respectively.


Okay, kombucha could really go either way.

With this fermented drink, it greatly depends on the brand.

The healthier brands will contain around 6 grams of carbs per cup, or about half of a bottle.

Some include a lot more sugar than that.

All in all, it’s probably best to just avoid kombucha altogether while on Keto.


Sorry. I know you probably weren’t hoping to see this one on this part of the list.

While there are some alcohols that are A-OK on a limited basis on keto, for the most part, they are no bueno.

It’s all too easy to be booted out of Keto by drinking alcohol.

However, if you’re going to an event or holiday party, you may not want to be the only one not joining in on the fun.

If you must drink alcohol, try spirits like gin and rum which have zero grams of carbs per serving.

One serving is 1 ounce, or 1 shot.

Watch out for your mixers, as many are full of sugars. Opt for plain or unsweetened sparkling water, or just have it on the rocks.

Diet Sodas  

While on the surface, sugar-free diet sodas may seem like the perfectly-sweet Keto drink.

Zero calories and zero carbs?


Not so fast – while diet sodas like this are technically “fine” on Keto, make sure they’re sweetened with Stevia or sucralose.

Even so, it’s recommended to drink these sparingly.

While there are some conflicting studies, many experts say that drinking these beverages can actually cause is to have more cravings for sweet foods and drinks.

It’s all up to you, at the end of the day.

If you have any doubts, try reading the nutrition label.

Fruit Juice

Even all-natural fruit juices are likely going to spike your blood sugar with the high quantity of sugars in them.

Not to mention the majority of fruit juice offered at the grocery store or restaurants are made from concentrate, which is literally just sugar.

If you’re craving fruit, it’s better to go with one low on the glycemic index that will also offer you fiber and more nutritious value.

Watermelon, strawberries, lemons, raspberries, and peaches are all wonderful options!

The Bottom Line

Sticking to Keto really does take practice and dedication – especially at first.

One of the hardest things for most beginners is figuring out which foods and beverages keep them in ketosis.

Beverages actually tend to be the harder of the two, as there are more gray areas.

However, by following this guide, you can feel confident that you’re on the right track to your weight loss and health goals.

More Keto Guides and Resources

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