7. #50DaysToFifty : A Sexy, Spunky Fifty.

By Jenrene

So... I've decided life😄 at fifty doesn't have to stop being sexy.

Sometimes as we're nearing fifty, we've finally figured out what that means! ( Ha!) And so the focus on 'being sexy' shifts to self-discovery.

Yesterday, my hubbs gave me the biggest compliment. He said: " Wow...you REALLY don't look 50!" I thought afterwards to myself: "Yes, I do! And 50 looks just like this ."

And Finding Your passion . (click here). Not exactly sure what that "completely" means yet... But here's what I've learned: When you're happy with what you do, you're happier, period, and it's pretty sexy.

And thus, sexiness isn't always about "the body"...Yeah.. passion & sexiness can be internal.

Yet I am finding my looks are important at this age ...A little blush every now and then... A little magic on the lips, and a little hair color, and "Viola!'

There it is.