6,500 People Signed up for the Low-Carb Challenge. Day 4+5 Results.

By Dietdoctor @DietDoctor1
Garlic Chicken 9 Strict low carb Easy 10 + 40 m10 minutes preparation 40 minutes cooking time Low-Carb Tex-Mex Ground Beef 104 Strict low carb Easy 15 + 30 m15 minutes preparation 30 minutes cooking time
Take the two-week low-carb challenge

Three weeks after launch over 6,500 people have signed up for the free low-carb challenge. Are you one of them? How is it going?

Here are the results of day 4 and 5 on my two-week low-carb challenge. Very tasty but I guess I get no awards for my iPhone photography skills this week (clickable recipes to the left, my results to the right). However eating leftovers for lunch every day is proving a great time saver. Awesome.