6 Tips On How To Properly Prepare For A BLS Exam

By Alyssa Martinez @ItsMariaAlyssa

When taking a BLS (Basic Life Support) class, there are some key things you can do to help prepare for the exam. It is important to know how and what you should study in order to pass the course and get your certification. Here are some tips:

1) Take BLS Classes From A Reputable Provider

It is not the best idea to take a class from just any provider. There are many classes available and there are some providers that will do as little as possible to get you through your course. In order to make sure you learn the material correctly, seek out a reputable training company or instructor. You should choose a BLS certification course that has the most current CPR and ECC guidelines, and is accredited for continuing education hours. This will ensure you get the most out of your course and are fully prepared for your BLS exam.

2) Study The Material On Your Own

The BLS course will teach you how to recognize life-threatening emergencies and provide CPR, but the onus is on you to study what will be covered in your BLS certification exam. BLS courses are usually offered at most community colleges or schools that offer medical training programs, so finding the manuals online should not be an issue. Find out what material will be taught in class before you sign up and purchase your books. If you do not, you will be wasting your money. Make sure you are fully prepared for your exam by studying on your own time, outside of class hours.

3) Memorize The Different Breathing Patterns

Make sure that you memorize the proper breathing patterns for CPR. These include rescue breaths, ventilations, and compressions. Rescue breaths are when the airway is opened to allow for oxygenated air into the lungs. Ventilation refers to when air is pushed into the lungs in order to help with the exhalation of carbon dioxide. Compressions are performed when chest pressure is applied in order to make the heart pump faster and circulate oxygenated blood throughout the body.

4) Watch Some Videos

Before your exam, it may be beneficial to watch some videos on YouTube of real-life CPR scenarios. This will help you feel more confident when performing this procedure, and also know what can happen if something goes wrong during the process. Remember, there are no second chances during a life or death situation; you need to be fully prepared and ready before attempting any sort of CPR on a real person.

5) Practice, Practice, Practice

Make sure that you practice what you have learned before going into the BLS certification exam. This will help prepare your mind and muscle memory for performing life-saving techniques during a real emergency. If possible, try to get a CPR dummy to practice with at home. You can find these for purchase online, or your local BLS certification provider may be able to help you out. Before you go into your BLS exam, practice performing the procedures on a dummy and see where you need to improve.

6) Find A Study Buddy

If possible, try to find a friend or family member who also needs their BLS certification in order to work in the medical field. Make a study date with them and study together. This will provide an opportunity for you both to ask questions and get real-time feedback. If studying with someone else, stay focused and on track during your studying dates. If you do not, one of you will be wasting their time and won't get the most out of the study session.

Also, try to get familiar with the exam type. There are many different options for certification exams, so it is important to know which exam you will be taking ahead of time. For example, there are computer-based tests (CBT) and paper-and-pencil exams (PBT). Typically the PBT has more in-depth questions that cover material in much greater detail than CBTs. Make sure you are fully prepared for what is expected of you during the exam and also make sure that you're on time and that you have brought the proper paperwork to take the exam.

Certification exams can be daunting, but following these tips will help you get the most out of your BLS class and increase your chances of passing. Remember to study the material on your own, memorize breathing patterns, watch some videos, practice often, and find a study buddy. If you do all of this, you will be prepared for anything that comes up during the certification exam.