6 Reasons To Become A Pinterest Fan Immediately!

By Beautyblogger @crowscupcell

In true late-to-the-game fashion, I have recently fallen in love with Pinterest! It ranks up there with the likes of getting to meet Johnny Depp, the best dessert you ever ate, and your husband doing all laundry and cooking for an entire month. What is Pinterest, you ask? Think of it as a virtual “pin board” that lets you organize and share the things you love on the Internet. During your web perusing, if you stumble upon a pair of shoes you’d like to add to your wish list, a makeup trend you’re dying to try, or a recipe you’re thinking about making, simply click your “pin” button (which lives on your browser toolbar) and, voila!  That image and web link is then added to your designated Pinterest board and your “pin” will be at your fingertips in a nice, neat, organized fashion forever. (Insert cries of joy here!)

I lovingly refer to my Pinterest addiction as a totally productive time suck. Once you start “pinning,” you’ll know why. You can spend hours and hours surfing (and pinning) and by the end of your Pinteresting session, you’ll have pinned three new products you can’t live with, made four new online friends, and learned how to make crocheted butterfly adornments. (I mean, really…how did I ever live without Pinterest?)

Would you like to be come a killer baker? How about a top-notch party planner? Ever thought about taking up Cross Fit? Perhaps you’d like to try your hand at gardening. The sky’s the limit with Pinterest. From hair and beauty to sports – this virtual corkboard will allow you to tap into any topic you wish. Oh, and did I mention that you get to connect with fellow pinning enthusiasts by following or getting followed? Hey, anyone who loves skincare products is most certainly a friend of mine. (It’s sort of like a social media version of Field Of Dreams…if you pin it, they will come.) And there’s nothing more rewarding than when one of your pins gets “repinned” by boatloads of Pinners. Total Pinterest nirvana. Still need convincing? Here are six reasons to get on the pinning bandwagon:

  1. It’s like having your own personal fashion consultant (bring on the leopard booties)
  2. You’ll automatically become clever (e.g. when your guests oooh and ahhh over the lemon and lime ice cube idea you got from Pinterest)
  3. You’ll become a kick-butt cook (next time your mother-in-law knocks your cooking you can make her eat her words when you bust out the chocolate crème brulee that you caramelized with a mini blow torch)
  4. It’s like Xbox for women (video-game playing hubbies: eat your hearts out)
  5. You’ll tap into creativity that you had NO IDEA you had (that DIY braided scarf you made via Pinterest’s DIY section is rocking your fashion world)
  6. It’s visual “eye candy” (who knew one could find an image of bacteria as visually entertaining as bacon wrapped pretzels?)

If you’re already an expert Pinner, then this is all old hat to you and you’re already in the pinning know. Oh, how we love you, Pinterest. I am convinced the phrase “are you pinning” will become as commonplace as “Tweet me.” (Whew. Thank goodness I’m no longer a novice!)

So, now that you’re versed in Pinterest, you’ll need an invitation to join. Leave a comment if you want one! And if you’re already on Pinterest, follow me and let’s swap pins! Happy Pinning…

This original Crows’ Feet, Cupcakes, and Cellulite article, 6 Reasons To Become A Pinterest Fan,”  was first published on Technorati. You can find more CCC stories on our Technorati contributor page!