1 - Make LESS Lists
This might sound counter productive but I am a sucker for a list and because of this, I feel like every minute of the day is planned. Sometimes it's nice not to have plans and to plan as I go. Life is way too short to live according to a list all the time, so my first happy task is to plan my working day but nothing more (unless it's travel or shopping related).
2 - Stop Checking The Bank So Much
I'm going to struggle with this one, but my second happy task is to stop checking the bank so much. I, like so many others, am a relatively low income earner and find myself checking my online banking twice or thrice a day. I'm going to try to reduce this to once per day initially then after getting used to this, will then reduce that to thrice per week. It's so important to be savvy when it comes to your money. but when you already know what is in your account, it's unhealthy to nano focus on it.
3 - De-Clutter
I think a good de-clutter is definitely on the cards. I feel like a nice open space makes me feel much more productive and content. I'm going to sell a lot of my clothes and bits on ebay or depop.
4 - Listen To A New Song Everyday
This sounds so daft but I'm one of those people who listens to the same music all the time. I love music and my day feels 'wrong' if it doesn't involve music of some sort, but I definitely need to branch out a bit so I'm going to listen to a 'new' song everyday. If you have any suggestions let me know please!
5 - Do something Spontaneous every month.
Like I mentioned before, I make lists for everything so I pretty much know how my day will play out. Because of this, I'm planning to do something spontaneous every month - nothing major, just head out for lunch sometime without planning to or something, I'll let you know how I get on!
6 - Leave My Phone At Home
I don't think I've left my phone at home once in the past 10 years which is quite embarrassing. One of my 6 happy tasks is to leave my phone at home now and again. I will always make sure there is a way to contact or be contacted in case of emergencies (I'll make sure I'm with my partner, Chris, who has all the necessary numbers etc) but I think it will be quite refreshing not to check my work emails at 11pm on a night out like I usually do.