6 Common Causes Of Black Period Blood

By Chioma

Black period blood as the name implies, is a situation when the blood during menstrual cycles turns black. It is a very normal thing and virtually every woman encounters the issue of black blood when having her menstrual cycle not only once or twice, but many times over. So the concern arises, why black period blood? Have you at one time noticed a blood stain on a cloth that has been there for a couple days? The stain is rarely bright red in colour, but dark -brown coloured or even blackish in appearance. This is a lot like black blood during menstrual periods. It is exactly the blood which has been in the uterus or vagina for several days and is being released from the body system. The medical doctors regard it as a normal state and it is said that blood becomes oxidised whenever it stays for prolonged time in uterus or vagina. This can be mostly noticed whenever you are late on your menstrual periods.

Other Causes of black period blood

Black period blood is not a very major problem or health problem, however if it is accompanied with serious pain, cramps or the length of menstrual period is prolonged to additional number of days than usual, then this might signify the onset of something serious. It is important to consult with your gynaecologist in such situation. There are also a number of causes of black period blood:

Stress and depression

Whenever a woman goes through a period of stress and depression, it results in thinning of the inside walls of uterus. This thinning will ultimately result in delay in shedding of the uterus wall as well as the beginning of menstrual periods.


The blood discharge during periods can also be affected by the drugs that you may be taking. For instance, if a person have been taking contraceptive pills, it is likely to result in discolouration of discharged blood.

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Delayed menstrual period

Black period blood can occur whenever you are delayed on your menstrual periods by few days and it has remained in uterus or vagina for a couple of days and so it changes black or dark brown in colour when it eventually comes out.

Infection in vagina

If an individual is suffering from some type of vaginal infection, then it is possible to notice black or brown blood discharge .The infection could possibly be transmitted sexually or triggered because of overgrowth of bacteria usually seen in vaginal region. Either way the discharge will be accompanied with unpleasant smell or pain in pelvic region.

Retained menses

This could be one other reason for black blood during period. It could be as a result of the menses that are being retained in the uterus . It can also be retained in vagina, and the hymen covers the vagina totally thereby preventing blood to flow out until forced by contractions from uterus. Moreover, in older women, narrowing cervix could possibly lead to retained menses. In each instances, medical treatment at the right time is essential.

Miscarriage or implantation

Untimely black blood discharge could be a sign of a miscarriage or implantation. If you happen to be pregnant or anticipating pregnancy, |it is really important to be careful of any untimely menstrual cycles.


Black period blood itself is not a health problem, however it might be a symptom a problem or a result of some major change in the female body. Therefore, treating the problem of black blood will basically mean finding out reason behind this change and consequently getting proper healthcare treatment to combat the same. One main thing to be kept in mind is the fact that black blood towards the end of menstrual periods is completely normal. However in all other instances, it is advisable to consult with your gynaecologist to check for any serious issues. So rather than getting worried at the slightest alterations,it is advisable to monitor the changes over a period of time after which you can consult a very good medical medical expert if there is need for it.