5 Ways to Avoid Formation of Wrinkles Around Your Eyes

By Alyssa Martinez @ItsMariaAlyssa

As we age, most of us develop some degree of wrinkles around our eyes. Depending on the lifestyle choices, genetics and beauty regimen, this can happen early on in life or may arrive late in the day.

Thankfully, there are several tips to help prevent the formation of wrinkles around the eyes. These simple lifestyle changes may not seem huge, but together they have the power to bring life to your eyes.

There are some excellent products available in the market such as /skin regimen/ eye lift cream, that can transform your tired eyes and leave them beaming for all the world to see. These products are designed especially for the eyes, nourishing the skin to stave off cell damage.

This approach is a long-term strategy that may not reap immediate benefits, but in the long run you can significantly slow down the onset of eye wrinkles by keeping yourself healthy on the inside. While skin damage is natural and inevitable with age, eating a healthy diet and staying hydrated slows down the process .

Look for foods and drinks rich in antioxidants as they help minimize damage to your cells. Some healthy foods to include in your diet are fatty fish, leafy greens and plenty of seeds/nuts to get your essential nutrients. Another vital part of your diet should be to stay well hydrated at all times, as dry skin gets damaged a lot easier.

A little bit of sun here and there is actually extremely beneficial for your health, but going overboard can wreak havoc on your skin. The UV rays from sunshine cause skin damage, especially if you're in the sun day after day. It's best to avoid going out in the sun at peak times of the day or wear a cap to keep the sun from burning up your face. Squinting also places a terrible strain on your eyes, so don't forget to bring your sunglasses.

If you live where the sun shines throughout most of the year, it can be difficult to avoid sun exposure. You should apply sunscreen to your face daily before going out, to maximize protection from harmful UV rays. If you're going to be out more than a few hours, you'll need to reapply sunscreen as it can often wear off in just a couple of hours.

While you're getting your beauty sleep, your body is working hard to repair itself and fight off cell damage. Without sufficient sleep each night, your body simply won't have enough time to carry out the necessary repair and maintenance work. Skin that isn't repaired adequately gradually begins to sag with time, and any lingering wrinkles and lines won't iron themselves out.

Tired eyes have a darkened look about them, resulting from a lack of proper blood flow due to insufficient sleep. Without enough blood in the region just below your eyes, cells don't repair as effectively thus, wrinkles begin to form far quicker. While beauty creams and healthy eating can safeguard your eyes under normal circumstances, a lack of sleep will undo all of this.

Beauty creams and serums designed to combat wrinkles and tired skin can transform your whole face. These products use active ingredients to stimulate cell regeneration and ensure your eyes remain full of moisture. While you'll still need to keep on top of your sleep and diet, a good beauty regimen can leave your eyes glowing. Be sure to stick to a regular beauty program, as many products can take some time to transform your eyes. Remember that the skin around your eyes is extra-sensitive, so make sure you find a product designed especially for your eyes.

Many beauty products like eyeliner and mascara will make you look fabulous in the evening, but if you don't wipe the makeup before going to bed, your eyes will have to pay for it in the morning. These products can clog up the pores around your eyes, trapping dirt and damaging the skin. Invest in a quality make-up remover to ensure your eyes are sparkling fresh and free from impurities. Always stick to a regimen of cleaning your eyes before bed so your body can work on repairing the skin while you sleep.


Wrinkles underneath the eyes may be an inevitability of age, but with the correct care regimen, you can grind this process to a halt. Fighting wrinkles from the inside involves eating a rich and nutritious diet along with staying hydrated. Apart from that, enough sleep, avoiding sun damage, and taking care of your eyes, and investing in a top-quality eye lift cream can be the game-changer that brings everything together,giving you vibrant and healthy eyes.