5 Things I Have Learnt Post University

By Beautybykaris @beautybykaris

Hey There,

Its been nearly three years since I’ve graduated, (Damn, I feel old). And having just had another slight career detour, (Detour in a good redirection kinda way) it got me thinking about all the things I’ve learnt since graduating… And some of the lies, (Well miss guided truths) I was told along the way, and the ‘idea’ I had about life then, and well now.

1. When you finish your degree, you won’t be completely balling, as a CEO of some big company. Your 22 not 52.

I mean come on, those CEO’s have worked hard to get to that position, and probably years, so why just because I was fresh out of university with a degree, did I think I was going to be in a position like that. Or even for them to make room for someone like me. OK, this may seem a bit far fetched, but what I mean is, when you finish your degree it is just the start of your career. I put so much pressure on myself, to be in a certain position, or earning a certain salary, just because I saw others do it, or thought that was what a degree gave you.  All that did was make me miserable for the first year of graduating, along with post uni blues, it wasn’t a good place. I now see my degree as a starting point, a stepping stone into my career, which will reward me in years to come.

2. When you get your degree, you’ll walk in to a Job. GCSE’s won’t matter any more.

Erm, OK so I did get a job, but not a job I necessarily needed a degree for, and yep you guessed it, they still wanted my GCSE results, and A levels. Some Graduate jobs I couldn’t even apply for, based on my Match s GCSE being a C grade. Experience is just as important, as well as whether you ‘fit’ in with that company. So don’t be disheartened if you don’t get offered interviews or positions for every job you go for.

3. Work is mandatory.

No more snoozing that alarm, skipping out or rolling in at lunchtime just because you feel like it. You now have to be up for a set time, and you can’t make excuses like my dog ate my assignment’ to your boss. Its a bit of a slap in the face, the university timetable if anything makes you less prepared for the real world. But actually being productive and having a routine eventually feels great, (Yep, I sound like an adult) plus you get paid for it.

4. You have more money as a student.

Say goodbye to student discount, and £2.50 double Vodkas. And you can’t use the ‘student’ excuse to lend money of your parents, as you’ve now got an income.

5. Your officially an adult.

You now have to pay adult prices, and be responsible like an adult. No more making up your own rules. When I first left uni I went into panic mode, I had gone from education to education, knew exactly what was going to happen as one thing finished. But when I finished university, I didn’t have a clue. And to be honest I’m still winging it. All that’s changed now, is I’ve learned to make decisions myself, trust my judgement, take control, and well act like an adult.

And FYI Drinking on a school night, is no longer a fun thing to do, (Well it is until the 9am start).

Just to put it out there, these are my own experiences, and my own opinion. I’ve tried to take a light hearted, slightly funny approach, to a situation which is a little daunting. I hope this helps anyone who is about to finish university, or is a graduate who has experienced the same things.

Lots of love,
