5 Tacky Situations People Share on Social Media

By Shauntee @shaunteebattie

5 Tacky Situations People Share on Social Media

This topic has been on my mind for awhile. As much as I love social media it has it pros and cons. Lately, I’ve seen, read, and viewed posts that make me question what exactly is going through someone’s head. Social media is not a share all tell all. As with anything we say, we should also be mindful of what we share online. Here are 5 tacky situations people share on social media.

Dirty Laundry

I love hearing that you’re doing well, and life is awesome for you. I cheer you on, and I applaud that everything is going well in your life. But hold on, I don’t need to know that you’re getting ready to have sex. I don’t need to know that your EBT card is working, and lastly, I don’t need to know your family tea.

Broadcast Your Beefs with People

Call me old fashion if you want, but despite all of the wonderful technological advances made in communication, I still enjoy a good face to face argument. Beefs on Facebook or Twitter are pointless unless you’re a celebrity, and your PR/Marketing rep has told you to start an unnecessary beef so that people will know who you are.

Posting on Facebook Instead of Calling the Police or Ambulance

Here’s what I need you to know, if you’re currently running a temperature of 106, there’s a good chance you’re sick. You should be calling the ambulance or heading to the nearest emergency room. Who has time to post on Facebook when you’re that sick? Posting pictures of you with a black eye and bloody nose is not the route to take after your boyfriend hits you. Unless that’s your signal for someone to send help, you should be calling the police.

Starting a GoFund Me Account for your Child after Posting the Michael Kors Purse and Shoes you Just Bought

I don’t have much to write about this. But if you’re posting pictures of new Coach and Michael Kors items you purchased. There’s a good chance I won’t contribute to your child’s college, back to school, birthday, church trip or whatever it is you need money for.

Somebody Else’s Tragedy

I’m not sure when the world became so insensitive. Maybe a combination of technology, television, and recent events has caused mass desensitization. I understand that we all now have the ability to film and record the actions of others. However, filming someone as they lay on the ground dying and posting it is ridiculous. Filming someone’s burial and filming someone’s funeral without the permission of the family is just downright disrespectful. The last thing anyone wants to see is a gunshot victim taking his last breath!

Am I missing anything, what tacky situations have you witnessed on social media?