5 Steps to Making It in the Real World After College

Posted on the 07 May 2015 by Ncrimaldi @MsCareerGirl

The real world might seem like a daunting place after being stuck in the college bubble for the past few years, put here are 5 steps to help you make the transition.

Find Somewhere to Live Independently

The first step to make when you leave college is finding somewhere to live. Not many people like going back to their parents’ house and staying there – or not for long, at least. You probably don’t have the money to buy your own place though, so you’ll have to rent.

There’s a lot to think about before renting a property. You should create a renting checklist so that you can clearly identify your priorities. Drawing up a budget and deciding how much you can afford to pay each month is a good idea too.

Get Your Foot on the Career Ladder

Getting your first job is a huge step after you graduate. It’ll probably be the most important job you ever get too, your first job will probably determine the path you follow for the rest of your career. That’s why you should think carefully before you make the step.

You should get advice from a career’s adviser first and consider all the options open to you. You might want to ask friends and family members if they know of any openings that might be suitable for you.

Drop Any Unhelpful Distractions

Making the step from adolescence into full adulthood often means having to leave a few things behind. If there are things holding you back or distracting you from progressing in life, it might be time to ditch them and move on.

This can even apply to people if you feel like they’re holding you back. You shouldn’t curb your ambitions just because it suits your old friends. You’ll meet new people as you move through life, so don’t let yourself be held back

Save & Budget

Once you have a regular income, you’re going to have to know how to spend it and how to not spend it! It’s always tempting to blow your first month’s pay on unneeded luxuries, but you’ll live to regret it if that’s what you do.

Draw up a weekly budget and work out how much you need to spend. You can allocate yourself a portion of the budget to be spent on fun and leisure activities, but not too much. Then, whatever’s left over can be saved for a rainy day.

Improve Your Cooking Skills

Cooking is not just cooking, it also affects the amount of money you and how healthy you are. If you can cook good, healthy meals then you won’t reliant on takeaways and fast food all the time. Anyone who has tried living alone without being able to cook knows this temptation.

But fast food will quickly have an effect on your waistline and your wallet. So, start cooking for yourself! If you’re not confident, start out with the simple things. A good cookbook could turn out to be your best friend. As long as you follow each step carefully, you’ll be fine.

Once you’ve completed these 5 steps, you’ll have mastered the real world!