5 Signs You Need To Visit Your Doctor

By Lyndsay S @lyndsinreallife

Photo by Jesse Orrico on Unsplash

One of the hardest things to decide as an adult is whether or not you need to see a doctor. With so many warnings and advertisements that tell you not to visit your doctor unless you have an emergency, knowing when you can or cannot visit can be hard. While there are no strict rules in place, it’s important you’re not visiting for something that can be treated over the counter. To help you get a better of idea of when you should visit, here are 4 signs you need to see your doctor:

You Have Been Feeling Under The Weather For Longer Than Two Weeks

If you have had an illness that has lasted longer than two weeks, you need to go and get it checked out. If you have already visited a pharmacist and the medication they gave you wasn’t effective, going to your doctor is the next best option. They will be able to tell you whether or not it’s a cause for concern, and they’ll prescribe you something you wouldn’t be able to get without their signature. For more information about getting prescriptions, you can visit this site!

You’re Experiencing Problems With Your Eyes Or Your Ears

If you are experiencing problems with your eyes or ears, such as loss of hearing or loss of sight, you should book an appointment at your doctors right away. Experiencing issues like this can be incredibly serious, especially if they’re an underlying issue to something else. You may find that you end up having to go for further testing to decide whether or not you need any assistance, such as hearing aids. To find out more about what to expect from a hearing aid fitting, you can visit this site!

You Have Sustained An Injury That Does Not Require Urgent Care

If you have an injury that you don’t think requires immediate medical attention, visiting your doctor should still be on your list. Whether it’s a sprain or a wound, they will be able to advise you of the best possible treatment. If you find your symptoms get worse while you’re waiting for an available appointment, you may need to consider going to the ER.

You’ve Been Feeling Depressed And Anxious For A Long Period Of Time

When it comes to your mental health, you need to do what is best for you. If you have been feeling depressed, or experiencing anxiety for a long period of time, it’s best you speak to your doctor. They will be able to carry out tests to find out whether or not you need further assistance, something you should always consider if you’re struggling. To find out more about seeing a doctor in regards to your mental health, you can visit this site!

Do you struggle to know when you can and can’t visit your doctor? Did we miss anything off the list? Let me know in the comments section below!

This post was a collaboration.

Thank you for reading!