5 Last Minute DIY Halloween Costumes (For People Who Suck at DIYing)

By Christopher De Voss @chrisdevoss

Halloweek is upon us, and there are just five days left to find a distinctive costume that reflects your true Halloween self. Will you wear a cheesy couples costume? Will your areolas be visible? Will you be that person at a party who wears your normal, ugly clothes and makes a point of telling everyone, “This is my costume”? To help get your creative juices flowing (though we do ask that you take it outside), we’ve devised five innovative, beginner DIY costume ideas that will separate you from the crowd (and the Pinterest people) this Halloween.

1. North West

Can’t decide which annoying celebrity you want to be this year? Why not opt for the offspring of Kim Kardashian and Kanye West!

What you’ll need:

-A picture of a compass (or a hand drawn compass)

-Glue and glitter (or a marker)


-Some yarn


-Paper towels

-A vacuum

-Construction paper or a poster board (optional)

How to make it:

  • Take your compass image and cut it into circle
  • Tape your compass image onto some construction paper or a poster board for extra support (OPTIONAL)
  • Cut a piece of string long enough to comfortably fit around your neck and tape it to the back of the compass
  • Using your glue, draw a circle around North West and dump approximately a shitload of glitter on it
  • Wait for the glitter to dry, then shake the excess onto your paper towels
  • Vacuum all the glitter that somehow makes it to the floor
  • Be Kimye’s offspring this Halloween!

Finished product:

2. Ariana Grande

Looking for a creative way to be everyone’s favorite diva this Halloween? Look no further!

What you’ll need:

-A craving for coffee

-About $6

-Running water

-A black marker


-Some yarn

How to make it:

  • Go to Starbucks and order a medium-sized coffee of your choice
  • Pay
  • Finish your coffee and rinse out the cup
  • Poke one hole on each opposite side of your coffee cup
  • Cut a piece of string long enough to comfortably fit around your neck and string it through both holes, tying a knot at the top
  • Use your black permanent marker to write “Ariana” on your coffee cup
  • An awesome Halloween costume is one less problem for you, now!

Finished product: 

3. Taylor Swift

Wondering how you can go dress as America’s most beloved pop star this Halloween? Keep reading!

What you’ll need:

-A tape measure

-A spool of thread, a pin cushion, a pair of scissors, or any other supplies usually found in a sewing machine

-Two safety pins

-A shirt you don’t mind poking holes in

-The Internet (or a piece of paper and a marker)

How to make it:

  • Using the Internet (or a piece of paper and a marker) create a bib that someone would wear at a marathon (alternatively, if you’re a runner, you can wear one of your race shirts)
  • Pin your bib to your shirt using the safety pins
  • Put the tape measure around your neck
  • Carry the spool of thread and pincushion (or o there sewing supplies) around with you everywhere on Halloween
  • Look who’s the one with the hella good costume! You’ve transformed into Taylor Swift!

Finished product:

4. Tom Hanks

Are Forrest Gump, Cast Away, and You’ve Got Mail your all-time favorite movies? Follow our instructions below to find out how can you dress as your favorite actor this Halloween!

What you’ll need:

-A poster board




-A picture of a famous person/thing named Tom

-Two pictures of guys named Hank

How to make it:

  • Cut out (if necessary) your Tom and two Hank pictures
  • Glue your Tom picture to the left side of the poster board and arrange the Hanks on the left
  • Cut a piece of yarn long enough to comfortably pit around your neck, and tape it to the back of the poster like a necklace
  • You don’t have to crack the Da Vinci code to be Tom Hanks this Halloween season!

Finished product:

5. Game of Thrones

It’s the depressing, soul-crushing TV show everyone’s always talking about, and all the gruesome, unexpected deaths make it a great Halloween costume!

What you’ll need:

-An awful board game you never play because everyone in your family always steals from the bank


-Several pictures of thrones


-Ribbon or heavy duty yarn

How to make it:

  • Cut out your throne pictures and thoughtfully place them on the game board
  • Glue them in place
  • Measure out an appropriate length of ribbon/yarn that would fit around your neck, and tape it to the back (Note: This costume is a bit heavier than the others, so you may need to use more tape and/or thread)
  • Look who’s in charge of Westeros now!

Finished product:



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