5 Friday Faves | Book Quotes

By Mle_vnc @Backlist_Books

Five Friday Favourites is a weekly meme hosted by Amanda over at Book Badger. Every Friday she chooses a new topic - full list of topics can be found here.
This week's topic is "Favourite Book Quotes." This is going to be tough, yo. I often notice quotes in books that I love, but so far I rarely write them down. I'll be consulting my oracle (Google) on this one!

I love this quote. It is how I've always felt when I stumble upon one of those books. You know, the ones that just draw you in, welcoming you like the beach on a warm summer's day.

 Amen, sister. Amen.

Much like the first quote on this page, this is exactly how I feel about those few books that change something - not in the world around me (though sometimes that too), but within me.

I love the particular flavor of voyeurism that involves peeking over the shoulder of someone reading a book in public.  I find it impossible to see someone reading and not try to find out what book they're reading. It's like a compulsion.

Trust Groucho, right? But anyway, I love dogs, and I love reading. So yeah.
There are so many great quotes out there, just an overwhelming amount, so I wouldn't even say these are necessarily my favourites, more that they were just the ones I came across first. Which are your faves? Share in the comments!