5 Expert Tips For Improving Salon Team Morale And Overall Business

Posted on the 06 April 2017 by Jennquinn

Guest Article by Valerie Delforge, Founder & CEO Delforge + Co.

I’m often asked “how to motivate my team,” and this is possibly the most difficult question to answer without spending a little time with the team in question. And while there are a lot of articles on the internet about ways to deal with the new generation, but to be fair, the same applies to the “older” generation. In fact, they see endless changes in the way things are done, and many tend to adopt a kind of “seen it all, heard it all” attitude to address the reality. So the question is, how to improve salon team morale with staff that seems to be more focused on themselves than ever?

“What if we motivate and train them to open their own place?”

“Can I still motivate what seems to be the impossible teams? “

In recent years, we have seen an increase in the mobile industry, which in itself makes recruitment more and more difficult. Candidates are scarce, and “the good ones” can be quite financially demanding. Is there a solution you may ask? Well no matter the team, I always follow the same mindset.

A Foolproof Strategy For All Salon And Spa Teams

Step 1: Make Your Team Adhere To Your Vision

By letting your team know about your vision, you’ll ensure they follow you on your journey – passion can’t help but be noticed. And from it, the salon team morale becomes positive, the vibes becomes catchy, and the mood shifts to being pleasant. After all, no one wants to work in a negative and draining environment! If you don’t have a mission statement for your salon, click here.

The clearer the vision, the clearer the dream.
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Step 2: Create A Win-Win Individual Plan Of Action

We’ve established that your team members are part of your dream, but what’s in it for them? Everyone wants something. Whether if it’s a mom with young children, someone who’s been with you for a long time or a generation Z employee, they all have something they want to do. Maybe it’s nothing to do with the industry. In fact, maybe they wished they could learn a different skill set. Nonetheless, while they are learning that skill set, they are in your salon, making you money.

Find out what they want! What ticks each and every individual is the key to motivation, and personally as a manager and leader, I can support that because the individual plan of action is followed.

What are their dreams? Be part of them, perhaps even help them to make them happen. If they’re looking at staying in the industry, can you offer the training they’d like in your salon? And if they want to leave the industry, can they “earn” more time to study? On the other hand, if someone really doesn’t want to upskill, then would that person be motivated by commissions on achieved set targets?

Whatever it is, as long as they achieve their set targets, it’s a win-win situation.

Related | Download Your FREE One-To-One Staff Feedback Meeting Sheet

Step 3: Meetings, Meetings, Meetings

Do not underestimate the power of meetings! Whether they are individual or team meetings, they are crucial to a positive salon team morale.

Related | How Salon Meetings Can Truly Help Motivate Your Team

Step 4: Design A Training Program

Having a budget set for training is crucial. In fact, to inspire and motivate, a yearly program should take place, and you should schedule some training every quarter – and not just brand training. I know of a Spa who trained their staff in tea making from a Japanese Tea Master, or a hairdresser who had the team going on a head massage course and for instance, I just delivered a reception training which focused on how to handle pressure!

Think outside of the box when it comes to training: be inventive and relate it to your business. Even the ones who don’t want to be trained can learn something. And if they leave you in a years time, you’ll have given them the chance to be a better version of themselves and learn more. That alone is strong leadership.

Related | Should You Be The One Paying For Salon Training Courses?

Step 5: Good Salon Team Morale Starts From The Interview

To this, someone said to me “Valerie, that depends if they turn up!” And yes, in fact, interviews are another issue to be addressed separately.

However, I have always conducted my interviews with the one and only mindset: be inspiring. I aim for candidates who want to work with me because of the way I see things. I want them to leave the interview feeling that they would love it here. Then, I make up my mind as to if I can and want to give them the opportunity to grow within my business.

Related | 7 Concrete Salon Interview Techniques To Ensure You Hire The Best-Of-The-Best

Conclusion: Good Salon Team Morale Starts With You

All in all, yes, you will train people who will leave you. Yes, you will employ individuals who are not right for the team. And yes, you will have existing employees who aren’t happy or motivated.

Strive to inspire personal growth. And if learning new skills doesn’t improve overall team morale and business, you need to question the nature of your team. It is down to you to be constant in your attitude and vision to lead your team to success. As Richard Branson once said, “Train people well enough so they can leave, treat them well enough so they don’t want to.”

Thanks for reading,
