5 Effective Irregular Periods Home Remedies | Fitness Yodha

By Fitness Yodha

 5 Effective Irregular Periods Home Remedies.

Irregular periods are the most common problem nowadays. Nowadays everywhere one out of five ladies is suffering from this irregular period problem. So here are some irregular period home remedy for those who are suffering from irregular periods. 

Readout all the home remedies try it out and comment me your result and if you have any problems regarding your health and fitness you can also ask us in the comments section below.

Crushed Cinnamon:

There are lots of properties present in cinnamon. It has anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic properties. Cinnamon increases the heat of the body. Cinnamon reduces the menstrual cramps and helps to better the regularity of the menstrual cycle.


Step #1 Crush a Cinnamon sticks and pour the powder in a bowl.

Step #2 Add boiling water and stir the water properly.

Step #3 After 10 minutes add a tea bag into it and let it sit for 2-5 minutes.

Step #4 Add a spoon of sugar honey or any sweetens product like sugar etc.

Fine or powder-like turmeric:

Turmeric is considered to be one of the lust medicated herbs which are warning as well. It helps in Turmeric is considered to work wonders it has anti-inflammatory properties it helps to regulate menstruation and balancing hormones. Due to its antitoxin properties, it helps to relieve menstrual pain.


Take a spoon of turmeric and boil in the glass of water and consume it 2 times a day to have your periods move probably 10 days before your expected date.

Cumin seed:

Cumin is to add with a number of health benefits: soaked cumin is used in the treatment of irregular periods.


Step #1 Take 2 spoons of cumin seeds and soak in water overnight.

Step #2 Drink both in the early morning.

The benefit of drinking this soaked cumin seed water every day is to get your periods regular.


Ginger has proved to be an excellent herb for dysmenorrheal, morning sickness. It works wonders for periods. It helps to treat the heavy menstrual building. It is very effective in periods. It helps to lower/lessen the amount of blood lost during menstruation 


Step #1 Boil the water, crush the ginger in mortal postal.

Step #2 Add the crushed ginger to the boiling water and let it boil for 2 minutes 

Step #3 Stain the water and drink this after meal every day.

Fifth Remedy

Ingredients: 2 teaspoons Black pepper(5 Peppercorns), Milk 


Step #1 First make the powder of again in the mortar pestle.

Step #2 Secondly, take the peppercorns and crushed and make it powdery.

Step #3 Thirdly, add again and peppercorn powder in the glass of warm milk.

NOTE:  Drink this in the morning and before going to bed.

After drinking this solution within the next weak when your next period will come it will become regular.

This home remedy will help to get rid of irregular periods.

Related Topics 👇

1. 4 Mistakes To Avoid In Periods 👈👈

2. Irregular periods In Young Age, Middle Age, and Later Years 👈👈


Many people have many questions related to periods and pregnancy; Here we had tried to give answers to some questions.

#1 Can you still have your periods during your pregnancy?

Ans: This question arises in the mind of almost every female. 

After getting pregnant, she no longer gets periods. But pregnant girls can have a small amount of bleeding which might look like a period, but it’s not period. This bleeding is known as Implantation bleeding.

Sometimes it also happens in an ectopic pregnancy which is actually a medical emergency. 

If you think you might be pregnant and bleeding, emergently consult with a doctor.

#2 Can sex during period cause pregnancy?

Ans: It’s just a myth that a woman can’t get pregnant if she had sex during her periods. 

A woman thinking about bleeding as a period sometimes it’s bleeding from ovulation. That means the monthly release of an egg from a girl's ovaries. Actually, the period is the time when she is most likely to get pregnant if she has sex.

#3 What is the best time to have sex after periods to get pregnant?

Ans: 6 days before your ovulation including the day of ovulation is the golden time to have sex with your partner if you are planning for a baby.

That means after 14 days of your last period is the best day to have sex with your partner and 6 days before your upcoming period is the golden days for you if you want to get pregnant.