4th of July

By Nina B @newshoesintown

Just a quick post to say hello to my American readers (or are you bots? I can't explain the sudden spike in my hits coming from the US of A). Anyway, I made this super yum snack today - chopped up bananas, strawberries and a bunch of frozen blueberries. Sorry if it looks a bit wonky. I ended up smashing all of this into some Puhoi Valley Divine Berries Yogurt, to kind of 'balance out' the naughty Mexican meal I'll be having later. 
PS - I have attempted to do a weekend (Friday to Sunday, started this afternoon) vlog. It's either going to be a fun time or just plain embarrassing. Watch this space.
PPS - Have a lovely 4th of July weekend and hope you score some awesome goodies if you hit the sales.