4 Ways To Take Advantage Of Seasonal Office Downtime

Posted on the 26 November 2015 by Ncrimaldi @MsCareerGirl

Right around the third week of November, the office begins to slow way down. Motivation is low and spirits are high, with everyone focusing on the upcoming Thanksgiving reprieve that marks the beginning of the end of a hard year of work.

If your coworkers are anything like mine, the hot chocolate is flowing and the Christmas music pipes merrily out of computer speakers. We are a group who is very enthusiastic about the holiday season.

Here are four ways to take advantage of your downtime and not fall into an unproductive slump:

The holiday season is a great time to catch up on projects that you've been too busy all year to get around to. I know that the last thing I ever want to do is file all of the paperwork that is piled up on my desk, but as soon as it is done it's as though your space has been cleansed. Organization is one of the surest ways to set yourself up for success but it is not quickly done. It will also keep more than your mind occupied by allowing you to move around and out of your desk chair. Listen to a motivational or inspirational podcast while you go about it. If you need some ideas on how to get your office into tip top shape, read this article from The Office Organizer.

2. Start To Plan For Next Year

This is a great time to set your goals for the new year and to reflect on what you have accomplished so far. Without lots of people to distract you at the office you can concentrate and think creatively. Make a list of accomplishments and see how your progress has leveled up against the goals you set for this year. Use your findings to recognize areas of strength and perhaps those with need for growth. Reviews usually come around the beginning of the new year, so you can use your goal setting as material for them and to demonstrate your ability to self-motivate. Fortune begets the prepared!

3. Relax and Reconnect

You go a million miles a minute most of the time, seasonal holiday downtime is a great opportunity to slow down and be mindful of your surroundings. You can take the time to initiate quality conversations with your coworkers and work on team bonding. This list of 17 ways to recharge gives some great ideas for self-care that will boost your happiness and fulfillment both inside of and outside of the office. Practicing mindfulness about being in the moment will help you reconnect with those around you.

4. Take Vacation

Go. Go anywhere that isn't where you are. Someplace warmer, someplace colder, or take a stay-cation. Take the time to turn off your brain and take a break from work! There is much less work than usual to be done, and deadlines aren't as ominous as they usually are, so it is also the ideal time to be gone from the office. You won't be missed since many people are already taking the time off, and some companies may allow you take the time without having to use your vacation days. Just talk to your supervisor and see if you can swing a deal! After all, it is the season to give!

With the holidays quickly approaching, be sure to make the most of your office downtime. There are so many ways to take advantage of the quiet office atmosphere you will be sure to be able to recharge and feel refreshed!

We would love to hear from you! Tweet to us @mscareergirl about your holiday plans today!

Sarah earned her B.S. in Neurobiology, Physiology, and Behavior from UC Davis. She is a resident of sunny San Diego, CA, and is currently working in a Sales & Marketing capacity within the biotech industry. She is focused on her blossoming career, developing her identity as a young professional, and is an avid blogger. Sarah writes regularly about her experiences as a twenty-something woman trying to figure it all out, and in the name of twenty-somethings everywhere, on her blog Twenty-Everything.